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Quite unexpectedly, John Farden came in for a share of the savings of an old aunt at service, and, like an honest fellow as he was, he got himself out of debt at once. This quite settled all Mrs. King's fears; Mr. Blunt and the miller would both have their due, and she really believed she should be no poorer!

Now, here's a bag, sez he, 'a bag full of imporrtant papers for my solicitor imporrtant to me, ye ondershtand, not worth the shine av a brass farden to a sowl else an' I want 'em tuk on to him. Take you this bag, he sez, 'an' go you straight out wid it at Euston an' get a cab. I shall stay in the station a bit to see to the telegrammer.

Weller, 'there was three quarters owin', and the shepherd hadn't paid a farden, not he perhaps it might be on account that the water warn't o' much use to him, for it's wery little o' that tap he drinks, Sammy, wery; he knows a trick worth a good half-dozen of that, he does. Hows'ever, it warn't paid, and so they cuts the water off.

Mightn't it have had the appearance, to the young gentleman only the appearance that he was rather dictated to? 'Look'ee here, deary, she replies, in a confidential and persuasive tone, 'I wanted the money to lay it out on a medicine as does me good, and as I deal in. I told the young gentleman so, and he gave it me, and I laid it out honest to the last brass farden.

It was apparently part of the leaf of a pocket memorandum book; and, hastily scribbled in pencil, in an ill-formed and uneducated hand, it bore the following words: "Sir, for God's sake take care what your about, or your life won't be worth a brass farden. Turnbull aint no more the proper capten of this ship than I am.

I don't know where he come from, down from Lun'on, I b'leeve: and this was wrong, and that was wrong, and everything was wrong; and then he said he'd have me discharged the sarvice." "Dear me, Mrs Crump; that wouldn't do at all." "Discharged the sarvice! Tuppence farden a day. So I told 'un to discharge hisself, and take all the old bundles and things away upon his shoulders. Letters indeed!

And then he was scared at the wholesale loss of so large a sum to his mother. "Never fear, lad," honest Tugwell replied, for the young man's face was fair to read; "we'll not take a farden of thy hard airnings, not a brass farden, so help me Bob! Gentlefolks has so much call for money, as none of us know nothing of.

D'you think I care a farden what you'll do? You'd better behave pretty, Master Vetch, or 'twill be worse for you, my young cockchafer." At this the two boys backed a little, and Joe, thinking them daunted by his threatening mien, turned to take down the key of the shop from its nail on the wall.

But there was something else, too; and he made answer, 'I'll bide for the Confirmation. 'Eh? said John, 'what good'll that do ye? 'Help me to be a good lad, said Paul, who knew John Farden would not enter into any other explanation. 'Why, what'll they do to ye? 'The Bishop will put his hand on me and bless me, said Paul; and as he said the words there was hope and refreshment coming back.

I looks round in all directions, but I couldn't see nothin' cause why? there wasn't nothin' to be seen. It was 'orrid dark, I can tell ye. Jist one or two stars a-shinin', like half-a-dozen farden dips in a great church; they only made darkness wisible. I began to feel all over a cur'ous sort o' peculiar unaccountableness, which it ain't easy to explain, but is most oncommon disagreeable to feel.