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I told him he might do this and be hanged, using, very possibly, a stronger expression. That night, while sleeping at the Perry House, I was awakened by a tap on my shoulder and was astonished to see the room filled with armed negro soldiers with their guns all pointed at me. The first word came from the sergeant. "Now looka heah, Massa Bill; if you move we'll blow you off de fahm, suah!"

"I'm not Miss Miranda Dows," said the vision with a frankness that was half childlike and half practical, as she extended a little hand, "but I can talk 'fahm' with yo' about as well as aunty, and I reckon from what Major Reed says heah," holding up the letter between her fingers, "as long as yo' get the persimmons yo' don't mind what kind o' pole yo' knock 'em down with."

"And now, Co'nnle, if yo'll come down, Mr. Champney will show yo' round the fahm. When yo' 've got through yo'll find me here at work." Courtland would have preferred, and half looked for her company and commentary on this round of inspection, but he concealed his disappointment and descended.

When yo' came I was nailing up the laths for the vines outside, because we couldn't spare carpenters from the factory. But," she added, with a faint accession of mischief in her voice, "yo' came to talk about the fahm?" "Yes," said Courtland, rising, "but not to interrupt the work on it. Will you let me help you nail up the laths on the wall?

He axe what you de cap'n of," Bob went on, aiming at two birds with one stone now, "an' I say you de cap'n of ever'body an' ever'ting dat come 'long dat's what I say-an' he be cap'n of you wid all yo' unyform and sich, I say, if you jest come out to de fahm yes, mon, dat he will sho." The boy laughed and Bob reiterated: "Oh, I'se gwine I'se gwine wid you " Then he stopped short.

"Ah can't tell y' 'zackkly mah age, but ah knows dat when Freedom was declared, ah was big 'nough ter drive a haws an' buggy', for ah had nice folks. Ah could tell u' right smart 'bout 'em. "Ah libbed near Cusper, Ga. on Barefield's fahm. Dare daughter, Miss Ann Barefield, she taught a school few miles away, 'round pas' the Post Hoffice.

I wuz raised on a fahm right wif the, then I lef there. "Yes, Cap'n Hester traded my mother an my sister, 'Twuz in 1861, he sent em tuh Mississippi. When they wuz 'way from him 'bout two years he bot em back. Yes, he wuz good tuh us. I wuz my mistess' boy. I looked afteh her, en she made all uv my cloes, en she knit my socks, 'cause I wuz her niggah.

"The nigger is sore in a minute. "'You is suttanly hahd to please, white man, he says. 'Ain' no finah colts in Kaintucky dan dem. "'That may be so, but how about Tennessee? I says, just to get him goin'. "'Tennessee! Tennessee! he says. 'What you talkin' 'bout? Why, we does de fahm wuck wid likelier colts dan dey sends to de races. "'I've seed some nifty babies down there, I says.