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Poor old fellow! If you would but trust me! Hey! Cab there! Exeunt. Enter SUSAN, peeping. Sus. I wonder whatever's come to Mattie! It's long time she was out again. Enter MATTIE, hurriedly. Mat. Oh, Susan! Susan! Sus. Mattie! Mattie! Enter POLICEMAN. Pol. What ails her? Sus. Leave her alone, will you? Let her head down. Get some water. Pol. Drunk is she? Sus. Hold your tongue, you brute!

SCENE III. Enter coolies, approaching temple through forest at night. Coolies afraid. Drop box and run. Exeunt coolies. Box alone in the dark. Enter veiled figure, all white. Box remains impassive. Up leaps noble samurai. A wrestle; drums sound the roll of battle. Noble samurai practises successfully noble art of ju-jutsu. Casts demon down, tramples upon him triumphantly, cuts off his head.

Head suddenly enlarges, grows to the size of a house, tries to bite off head of samurai. Samurai slashes it with his sword. Head rolls backward, spitting fire, and vanishes. Finis. Exeunt omnes. The vision of the samurai and the goblin reminded Kinjuro of a queer tale, which he began to tell me as soon as the shadow-play was over.

No scene of the play was so much applauded as this one; and the actor who did the part of King Macbeth made a most polite bow of thankfulness to the audience, for the approbation with which they had received the performance of the pot. We had likewise, shortly after the "Omnes exeunt" of the players, an exhibition of a different sort in the same barn.

I will not think anything you would not have me think. Re-enter COL. G. Col. G. The cab is at the door, sir. Ger. Thank you. Then show Miss Lacordere out. Stay. I will open the door for her myself. Exeunt GER. and CON. Col. G. He speaks like one in despair, forcing every word! If he should die! Oh, my God! Re-enter GER. Walks up and down the room. Col. G. Ain't you going, sir? Ger. No.

The little gavotte is an old dance in the second-hand book store. The $2-shelf. The $1-rack. The 75-cent table. The 30-cent grab counter. And finis. New scribblings crowd for place, old scribblings exeunt. The girl without an umbrella studies titles. A love story, of course, and only thirty cents. An opened page reads, "he took her in his arms...." Who would not buy such a book on a rainy day?

QUEEN. Then I must wait for justice Until it come and they are happiest far Whose consciences may calmly wait their right. DOMINGO and ALVA exeunt on the opposite side. Chamber Of PRINCESS EBOLI. PRINCESS EBOLI. CARLOS immediately after. EBOLI. Is it then true the strange intelligence, That fills the court with wonder? Do not fear Princess! I shall be gentle as a child.

When his broadside touched ground, Jack was standing beside him; and when he leaped to his feet, Jack was in the saddle. Exeunt fighting. Toby, with his bare feet and brown, good-humoured face, was the only person visible on the station premises as I rode up. "Gosh, I didn't know you till I seen you side-on, when you was shuttin' the Red Gate," he remarked.

A large supply of this cordial had been drawn from his storehouse in the city, and some of it now sparkled in a bottle before the captain, blushing in the rays of the sun, which were passing obliquely through it, like amber. Though the meat and vegetables had made their entrance with perfect order and propriety, their exeunt was effected much in the manner of a retreat of militia.

His body, in the meanwhile, lay doubled on the cushions, the forage-cap rakishly tilted back after the fashion of those that lie in wait for nursery-maids, the poor old face quiescent, one arm clutching to his heart Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper. To him, thus unconscious, enter and exeunt again a pair of voyagers. These two had saved the train and no more.