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The moment the noise ceases, up starts the toast-master:—‘Gentlemen, charge your glasses, if you please!’ Decanters having been handed about, and glasses filled, the toast-master proceeds, in a regular ascending scale:—‘Gentlemenairyouall charged? Exeunt children, and re-enter stewards, each with a blue plate in his hand.

Here is the chair in which he sat while presiding at the club, forming habits of drink which killed him at the last, his own life ending in a tragedy as terrible as any he ever wrote. Exeunt wine-bibbers, topers, grogshop keepers, Drayton, Ben Jonson and William Shakspeare. Here also is the letter which Richard Quyney sent to Shakspeare, asking to borrow thirty pounds.

Bill, give her a jerk towards the wherry, and we'll duck him." "My friend," said the actor, addressing me: "Let not his unwholesome corpse come between the wind And my nobility. "Let us exeunt, OP." Although I could not understand his phrases, I knew very well what he meant, and pulling smartly, I shoved towards the shore, and ahead.

Motioning impatiently for the Tuscarora to lead the way, she glided after him with a rapidity that equalled his own loping movement. She made no difficulties in passing the stockade, though Nick kept his eyes on the labourers, and felt assured their exeunt was not noticed.

Scrope item, the little artist; Mathews to Newcastle; his son to Liverpool. So exeunt omnes. Mathews assures me that Sheridan was generally very dull in society, and sate sullen and silent, swallowing glass after glass, rather a hindrance than a help.

The style, where style is attempted, shows, as the reader will perceive, a taste yet immature and unchastened: "Scene draws, and discovers REGINILLA asleep in the cave. "Enter PEVIDOR and other Devils, with the HUNTSMAN unbind him, and exeunt. "Hunts. Ha! Where am I now? I'll not wake her, lest, if it be a phantom, it should vanish.

I humbly thank your Admonition, Sir, and shall, in all I can, struggle with human Frailty. Exeunt. Enter Scaramouch, peeping at the other Door. Scar.

C. Good-bye, then. You will have your own way! Col. G. This once, Clara. Exeunt severally. SCENE. A garret-room. Mat. At the worst we've got to die some day, Sue, and I don't know but hunger may be as easy a way as another. Sus. I'd rather have a choice, though. And it's not hunger I would choose. Mat. There are worse ways. Sus. Never mind: we don't seem likely to be bothered wi' choosin'. Mat.

War. That is a trifle more to the point, though scarcely requiring mention. Bill. Then, here we are, sir. War. That'll do if you know what comes next? Bill. I do, sir. War. Go on, then. Bill. Here goes! Come along, sir. You'll have to take a bobby, though. War. We'll see about that. You go on. Exeunt. Enter GERVAISE, followed by COL. G. Ger. What a time you have been, William! Col.

They confess that there is much ignorance which revelation does not mitigate. Exeunt omnia in mysterium. They are prepared to say concerning many of the dicta of religiosity, that they cannot affirm their truth. They are prepared to say concerning the experience of God and the soul, that they know these with an indefeasible certitude.