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CHARACTERS Popgun Maria Charles Pistolletta Postilion Hostess Chorus of ploughboys Cook and and Strephon Chloe ENTER Hostess, Charles, Maria, and Cook. EXIT Maria EXIT Cook. EXEUNT Severally. ENTER Chloe and a chorus of ploughboys. Where go I? To London . What to do? To be married . Unto whom? Unto Strephon. Who is he? A Youth. Then I will sing a song.

"Everything's the matter. Bill's gone!" "Confusion and Exeunt." "Gone?" echoed the boy blankly. "'Ad a row with Gavel this very aft'rnoon. Got the sack, with a week's pay, an' packed up his kit after tea an' 'ooked it. Bess Burton told me all about it, knowin' me an' Bill to be friends she's the woman sits at the pay-table an' gives the change.

'Omnia exeunt in mysterium, I say again. Every human being is a romance, a miracle to himself now; and will appear as one to all the world in That Day. But now for the rest; and Squire Lavington first. He is a very fair sample of the fate of the British public; for he is dead and buried: and readers would not have me extricate him out of that situation.

Come along. Exeunt. Slow music. Twilight. Enter BILL with a three-legged stool, brushes, etc. Bill. Come! it's blackin' all over! When gents can't no longer see their boots, 'tain't much use offerin' to shine 'em. But if I can get a penny, I will. Enter WATERFIELD. Bill. Black your boots for a party, sir? Wat. But wasn't she a brick not to split! That's what I call devotion now!

A march must necessarily be introduced here, so I have composed a very simple one for two violins, tenor, bass, and two hautboys, to be played a mezza voce, and during this time the King appears, and the Priests prepare the offerings for the sacrifice. The King then kneels down and begins the prayer. In Elettra's recitative, after the underground voice has spoken, there ought to be marked exeunt.

They answer the bell for prayers as they answer the bell for coals: for exactly three minutes in the day you all kneel together on one carpet and, the desires and petitions of the servants and masters over, the rite called family worship is ended. Exeunt servants, save those two who warm the newspaper, administer the muffins, and serve out the tea.

But is it not true that, sooner or later, 'omnia exeunt in mysterium'? Out of mystery we all came at our birth, fox-hunters and paupers, sages and saints; into mystery we shall all return . . . at all events, when we die; probably, as it seems to me, some of us will return thither before we die.

It was at the Boston Theatre, and while I was talking with them a very heavy piece of scenery came crashing down, and filled the whole place with dust. It was but a short distance from where we were standing, and I could not help thinking how near our several life-dramas came to a simultaneous exeunt omnes.

"What an infliction to fence with a gouty old man, who knows not, I dare say, a trick of the sword which was not familiar in the days of old Vincent Saviolo! or, as a change of misery, to hear him read one of those wildernesses of scenes which the English call a play, from prologue to epilogue from Enter the first to the final Exeunt omnes an unparalleled horror a penance which would have made a dungeon darker, and added dullness even to Woodstock!"

At length the hour of ten approaches; bills are paid, pocket-pistols filled, sandwiches stowed away, horses accoutred, and our bevy straddle forth into the town, to the infinite gratification of troops of dirty-nosed urchins, who, for the last hour, have been peeping in at the windows, impatiently watching for the exeunt of our worthies.