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"Lord, make men as towers!" he remembered his father's prayer in the field by Tewkesbury, and at last he understood. "All towers carry a lamp of some kind" why, of course they did. He looked about him. The small chorister's face was glowing "Triune Deus, hominum Salutis auctor optime, Immensum hoc mysterium Ovante lingua canimus!"

I would recommend the enterprising and unconquerable student to make leisure so as to master Behmen's Preface to the Mysterium Magnum at the very least. And if he does that, and is not drawn on from that to be a student of Behmen for the rest of his days, then, whatever else his proper field in life may be, it is not mystical or philosophical theology.

"A new faith is arising today: the myth of the blood, the faith to defend with the blood the divine essence of man. The faith, embodied in clearest knowledge, that the Nordic blood represents that mysterium which has replaced and overcome the old sacraments." Rosenberg accepts the classic German view of the Volk, which he relates closely to the concept of race.

This work appeared, however, in the year 1596. It bore the title Mysterium Cosmographium, and it attempted to explain the positions of the various planetary bodies. Copernicus had devoted much time to observation of the planets with reference to measuring their distance, and his efforts had been attended with considerable success.

'Which things are an allegory, says the Apostle, after a passing reference to Sarah and Hagar and Isaac and Ishmael; but if you would see actually every syllable of Genesis allegorised, spiritualised, interpreted of CHRIST, and of the New Testament, from the first verse of its first chapter to the last verse of its last chapter, like the nobleman of Silesia, when you have leisure, read Behmen's deep Mysterium Magnum.

His first work, the "Mysterium Cosmographicum," is the record of a splendid blunder that cost him five years' toil, and he spent ten years of fruitless and baffled effort in the deduction of the laws of areas and orbital ellipticity. But this audacious diviner knew well the use of Hypothesis, and he applied it as an instrument of investigation as it had never been applied before.

Even in size the Mysterium is an immense piece of work. In the English edition it occupies the whole of the third quarto volume of 507 pages; and then for its matter it is a still more amazing production. Philo himself is a tyro and a timid interpreter beside Jacob Behmen.

For the purposes of our especial line of research Mysterium und Mimus offers much of value and interest.

In a letter addressed to one of the nobility in Silesia, and dated February 19, 1623, Behmen says: 'When you have leisure to study I shall send you something still more deep, for I have written this whole autumn and winter without ceasing. And if he had written nothing else but his great book entitled Mysterium Magnum that autumn and winter, he must have written night and day and done nothing else.

Each and all of the ritual dramas, reconstructed in the pages of Mysterium und Mimus bear, more or less distinctly, the stamp of their 'Fertility' origin, while outside India the pages of Frazer and Mannhardt, and numerous other writers on Folk-lore and Ethnology, record the widespread, and persistent, survival of these rites, and their successful defiance of the spread of civilization.