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Updated: August 21, 2024

At the hinder end, and a bit feard as was but natural, he lifted the hasp and into the manse; and there was Janet M'Clour before his een, wi' her thrawn craig, and nane sae pleased to see him. And he aye minded sinsyne, when first he set his een upon her, he had the same cauld and deidy grue. "Janet," says he, "have you seen a black man?" "A black man?" quo' she.

'Upon my conscience, Rose, ejaculated the Baron, 'the gratitude o' thae dumb brutes and of that puir innocent brings the tears into my auld een, while that schellum Malcolm but I'm obliged to Colonel Talbot for putting my hounds into such good condition, and likewise for puir Davie. But, Rose, my dear, we must not permit them to be a life-rent burden upon the estate.

Ey've often heer'd say the Abbey is haanted; an that pale-feaced chap looks like one o' th' owd monks risen fro' his grave to join our revel." "An see, he looks this way," cried Phil Rawson. "What flaming een! they mey the very flesh crawl o' one's booans." "Is it a ghost, Lorry?" said Sukey, drawing nearer to the stalwart keeper.

To think of you not being able to tell heaven from hell." "Nay, 'twere heaven, reight enif," he continued, undisturbed. "I could tell it by t' glint i' t' een o' t' lads an' lasses." I could see that Job had a story to tell of more than ordinary interest.

Then raising his head, as if to see who spoke to him, he touched his Scotch bonnet with an air of respect, as he observed, "Eh, gude safe us! it's a sight for sair een, to see a gold-laced jeistiecor in the Ha'garden sae late at e'en." "A gold-laced what, my good friend?" "Ou, a jeistiecor* that's a jacket like your ain, there. They * Perhaps from the French Juste-au-corps.

When she come dat day in de school-house, an' all de chil'en looked at her so hard, she tu'n right red, an' tried to pull her long curls over her eyes, an' den put bofe de backs of her little han's in her two eyes, an' begin to cry to herse'f. Marse Chan he was settin' on de een' o' de bench nigh de do', an' he jes' reached out an' put he arm roun' her an' drawed her up to 'im.

So she changed the subject in a measure. "Did ye ever hear o' John Milton, Tibbie?" she asked. "Ow! ay. He was blin' like mysel, wasna he?" "Ay, was he. I hae been readin' a heap o' his poetry." "Eh! I wad richt weel like to hear a bittie o' 't." "Weel, here's a bit 'at he made as gin Samson was sayin' o' 't, till himsel' like, efter they had pitten oot's een the Phillisteens, ye ken."

I met a man this mornin, said the Clock Maker, from Halifax, a real conceited lookin critter as you een a most ever seed, all shines and didos. He looked as if he had picked up his airs, arter some officer of the regilars had worn 'em out and cast 'em off. They sot on him like second hand clothes, as if they had'nt been made for him and did'nt exactly fit.

"Na, whare was the through-stane, that it didna come before our een till e'enow?" said Ochiltree; "for I hae ken'd this auld kirk, man and bairn, for saxty lang years, and I neer noticed it afore; and it's nae sic mote neither, but what ane might see it in their parritch."

"O man John," wailed his mother, "what are ye feared for your faither's een for? He wouldna persecute his boy." "Would he no?" he said slowly. "You ken yoursell that he never liked me! And naebody could stand his glower. Oh, he was a terrible man, my faither! You could feel the passion in him when he stood still. He could throw himsell at ye without moving.

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