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Updated: August 14, 2024

She was defending her enemy, and against him. "He does the best he can," she said. "He takes things terrible hard. I dunno's I ever see anybody that took 'em so hard." Then, as he did not speak, she looked at him and meeting the cold unresponsiveness in his face her composure broke and she stretched out her hands to him in a wildness of entreaty. "Oh, don't you look like that," she cried.

"They're old friends," I told him. "Mac knew her long ago; and all her people." "Well, he's in darned agreeable company," Piegan observed. "She's a mighty fine little woman, far's I've seen. I dunno's I'd know when t' jar loose m'self, if I knowed her an' she didn't object t' me hangin' around. But seein' we ain't in on the reception, we might as well get under the covers, eh?

"Does he have to do the other thing, too: go off his nut?" She was looking at him gravely. Suddenly it came to him he must be more sympathetic in his attitude. He must not let her feel rebuffed, thinking he did not understand. "I dunno's I blame him," she said slowly, as if she found it a wearingly difficult matter and meant to be entirely just. "You see he had provocation."

"But there!" continued aunt Ann, dismissing all lighter considerations, "I dunno's that's any reason why you should bake in a tin kitchen, nor why you should need to heat up the brick oven every week, when 't was only done to please him, an' he ain't here to know. Now, 'Melia, le's see what you could do. When you got the range in, 't would alter this kitchen all over.

"Just a-settin' and a-daubin', and a-settin' and a-daubin'," sneered Andrew. "I dunno's I'd say that, Andy," said Uncle William, reprovingly. "He sweat and fussed a lot." Andy's eye roamed the landscape. "'T ain't reasonable," he said, jealously. "A thing o't to be wuth more'n a picter of it. There's more to a thing." He struck the solid ground of fact with relief.

Never before had he been assailed on his own ground; it seemed as if the whole township now conspired to bait him. "Well" she remarked weakly, "I dunno's it does any hurt, so long as they can tell what they mean by it." Nicholas threw her a pitying glance. He scorned to waste eternal truth on one so dull. "Well," she went on, in desperation, "that ain't all, neither.

"They haven't got me yet," said Jimmie; and then, "I ain't so sure as I used to be, but I ain't ready to be a soldier I dunno's I could stand bein' bossed like that fellow does it." Emil laughed. "Don't you suppose I want to learn?" "But does he need to call you names?" "That's part of the game nobody minds that. He's putting the pep into us and we want it in."

I mean mebbe Joe walks in his sleep. He might ha' stole them coins when he was sernamb'latin' about " The druggist snorted. "That's some o' your funny business, I s'pose, Walky Dexter. If you stood ter lose four hundred dollars you wouldn't chuckle none about it, I'm bound." "Mebbe that's so," admitted Walky. "But I dunno's I'd go around suspectin' everybody there was of stealin' that money.

"Well, I dunno's I can, all of a piece, so to speak; but when it gits along towards eight o'clock, an' the room's all simmerin', an' the moon lays out on the snow, it does seem as if we made a pretty poor spec' out o' life. We don't seem to have no color in it. Why, don't you remember 'Solomon in all his glory'? I guess 't wouldn't ha' been put in jest that way if there wa'n't somethin' in it.

He had taken Rosie's hand, and Amelia was aware that he turned away. "I don't want to bring up anything," he said hesitatingly, "but I couldn't stan' bein' any less 'n other men would, jest because the woman had the money, an' I hadn't. I dunno's 't was exactly fair about the cows, but somehow you kind o' set me at the head o' things, in the beginnin', an' it never come into my mind"

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