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Updated: August 14, 2024

We can talk it over whilst we're eatin'." Andy looked down at his clothes. "I'm all dirt." Uncle William surveyed him impartially. "Ye ain't any dirtier 'n ye al'ays be." "I dunno's I be," admitted Andy. "Well, you come right along, and after supper we'll all turn to and help you clean." The artist looked up as they entered. "How are you, Andy? The fish are running great to-day."

"He stole the chickens because he was hungry, and he got drunk because he didn't know any better. I talked with him, and he promised me that he would neither steal nor drink any more. Moreover, he earned the money and paid full price for the chickens. Have you heard that he has broken his promise?" "No I dunno's I have, but he'll do it again if he gets the chance you just see!"

"The strike up to the Foote plant's on its last legs," said the man, loudly. "So I hear," answered another. "Infernal shame. If it was only the closed-shop question I dunno's I'd feel so. We're open shop here but we git treated like human bein's.... Over there " The man shrugged his shoulders. "Look at the way they've fought the strike. Don't blame 'em for fightin' it.

"I dunno's there's water enough to more'n give 'em a lick and a promise. Marty? Oh, you Marty! Come, go for a pail of water, will ye? That's a good boy." "Now, ye know well enough," snarled Jason's voice just outside the door, "that that boy ain't in earshot now." "Oh, I can get a pail of water from the pump, Aunty," said Janice, briskly starting for the porch.

Only by the exercise of notable will power could Crane keep his face straight as he shook hands with ungainly Scattergood and saw with his own eyes what a perfect bumpkin he had to deal with. "I suppose you thought we fellows would be sore," he said, genially. "Dunno's I thought about you at all," said Scattergood. "I was thinkin' mainly about me." "Well, we're not.

"Do you mean to say you wouldn't stop folks fighting if you could?" Uncle William eyed the proposition. "Well I dunno's I'd say jest that. I've thought about it a good many times. Men al'ays hev fit and I reckon they will quite a spell yet. There's Russia and Japan now: you couldn't 'a' stopped them fightin' no more'n two boys that had got at it.

They think a big stew that tastes like dish-water is a dinner, and if they do have anything I like they keep on having the same thing every day till I throw it in the sink. I wish I could go to a restaurant once in a while for a change, but of course I dunno's it would be proper for a lady to go alone even there. What do you think? Oh dear!" She sat brooding sadly. He had an inspiration.

"I dunno's any such speech is called for here," said she, in a furious self-betrayal. Josiah Pease had always been able to storm her reserves. "Law, no," answered he comfortably. "It come into my mind, that's all." She looked at Enoch with a passionate sympathy, knowing too well how the hidden sting was intended to work. But Enoch had not heard.

When the young minister had somewhat weakly climbed the two front steps, he elected not to sit in the best room, for he was a little chilly, and would like the sun. Presently he was installed in the new cane-backed rocker, and Mrs. Oldfield had offered him some currant wine. "Though I dunno's you would," said she, anxiously flaunting a principle righteous as his own. "I s'pose you're teetotal."

"That's a good girl!" This was his commendation, from hour to hour; it made up the litany of his gratitude for what she had been to him. "But I dunno's I feel quite up to preachin' to-day, Dorcas!" "That'll be all right, father. We'll get somebody." "You bring me out my sermon-box after breakfast, an' I'll pick out one," said he, happily. "Deacon Tolman can read it." But, alas!

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