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Updated: August 14, 2024

Ah declare, Mist' Wrenn, Ah dunno's Ah like to have my gennulmen just get up and go without giving me notice." Lee Theresa scowled at her. Mr. Wrenn retorted, "I did give you notice." "Ah know, but well, Ah reckon Ah can let you have it, but Ah'll have to have four and a half a week instead of four.

"I dunno's any such speech is called for here," said she, in a furious self-betrayal. Josiah Pease had always been able to storm her reserves. "Law, no," answered he comfortably. "It come into my mind, that's all." She looked at Enoch with a passionate sympathy, knowing too well how the hidden sting was intended to work. But Enoch had not heard.

I've been noticin' how peaked you look, an' I thought mebbe I'd git the old musket loaded up an' go out an' shoot ye a pa'tridge. Tempt your appetite, mebbe, a mite o' the breast." "I dunno," said Tira, speaking with difficulty through her rigid misery, "as you'd ought to, so near nestin' time. I dunno's as it's the season to kill." "All seasons are the same to me," said Tenney.

"It's like this," said one prospective buyer: "They ain't enough water for the whole country, and you're certainly aimin' to cinch some of the men that's here already so tight they can't breathe. If I buy water they're gettin' now, they're mighty apt to be sore on me. Dunno's I blame them, either. I like to stand well with my neighbours. Your land's all right, but I can't see where we deal."

But then it seemed as if there wa'n't no other way. I jest wanted my Thanksgivin' in my own home, an' so I throwed you off the track the best way I could. I dunno's I lied. I dunno whether I did or not; but I guess, anyway, I shall be forgiven for it." Ezra spoke first: "Well, if you didn't want to come" "Want to come!" broke in John. "Of course she don't want to come!

She spoke thoughtfully, as if reviewing what was not altogether clear in her own mind. "I dunno's I know. But she's so kind o' quiet. Pleasant enough, but you al'ays feel as if she's a mile off." Yes, Raven owned to himself, Charlotte was right. That was the way he felt, only it was not one mile but many miles off.

"I dunno's I ever knew anybody so took up as he is with that concert, an' goin' to the vestry to sing to-night, an' all. He said he'd call here an' ride 'long o' you, an' I told him there'd be plenty o' room, for you'd take the pung." If Heman felt any surprise at her knowledge of his purpose, he did not betray it. He poured out his shaving-water, and looked about him for an old newspaper.

"Anythin' more 't I c'n oblige ye about?" There was no answer. "I asked you," said David, raising his voice and rising to his feet, "if you had any further bus'nis with me." "I dunno's I have," was the sullen response. "All right," said David. "That bein' the case, an' as I've got somethin' to do beside wastin' my time on such wuthless pups as you be, I'll thank you to git out.

As on the day before, her hand was lost in a warm, firm clasp, while her uncle continued to look her over with approval. "Yes, sir!" he ejaculated. "You look to me like one o' the tidiest craft I ever clapped eyes on. I don't scarcely see how Abe could go away and leave you. Dunno's he's got an eye for a pretty woman like me. Bless you! I been a slave to the women all my life."

"I'm awful sorry for Jimmy but I must go to the picnic." "I s'pose you feel so," said Mrs. Ross, sighing heavily. "I dunno's I blame you. Picnics is more cheerful than staying with a poor little lame boy, I don't doubt. Well, I s'pose I can put Jimmy's supper on the table clost to him, and shut the cat in with him, and mebbe he'll worry through.

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