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You are indeed the lady of mysteries." "To the basement of Warren's apartment house. I came down the dumb-waiter, when they left me. I left the little door ajar Can you pull me up again? He is on the eighth floor. It is a long pull Oh, if we can only make it before they return." Her eyes sparkled with the thrill of the mad game, as she ran once more, Shirley keeping pace with her.

Some further cordial good-byes were said, and then the car started off with Daisy, Mona, and Cromer to the Country Club. Farnsworth flew back to the pantry. "Hello," he said, as he drew up the dumb-waiter, "you WILL evade me, will you, you little bunch of perversity?" Patty, who was still laughing at his daring deed, said, "Have they all gone?" "They sure have! You and I are here all alone."

I had five rooms furnished in the most elegant style, and everything seemed to be calculated for love, pleasure, and good cheer. The service of the dining-room was made through a sham window in the wall, provided with a dumb-waiter revolving upon itself, and fitting the window so exactly that master and servants could not see each other.

Dozia was in front of the opening before Jane could get to her feet. "Well, of all things!" she drawled. "If here isn't some sort of old elevator!" "A dumb-waiter!" cried Jane. "There are my groaning ropes. Pull, Doze, and let's see if it carries a car." A couple of jerks at the big cables and the car came down to earth with a bump. "Now!" exclaimed Jane gleefully. "There's the mystery.

But to-day the careless hens had delivered two cracked eggs out of one unhappy dozen to Mary. With a directness of address seldom met with in good society, Mary thus delivered herself down the dumb-waiter, 'Well, damn you for a groceryman " "Oh, Aubrey! Did she say that word?" "She said just that.

The evening was, in the mean time, so far advanced, that the maid came in to lay the cloth for supper, when I understood, with joy, that my landlady, whose sight was present poison to me, was not to be with us. Presently a neat and elegant supper was introduced, and a bottle of Burgundy, with the other necessaries, were set on a dumb-waiter.

The house had a basement-kitchen at the back, and a dumb-waiter like Margaret's. Mrs. Underhill thought at first she shouldn't like it. There was a spacious area, which made Hanny think of Mrs. Dean's in First Street, where they used to play tea. It took a long while to get settled, somehow. Ben thought it a great way up-town; and he often went to the Whitneys to tea, when he wanted his evening.

The use of the dumb-waiter survived the revolution in manners under the Renascence, and the wheel itself remains as a curiosity of past times in more than one Roman dwelling today. It had its uses and was not a piece of senseless tyranny.

I am always inclined to call out, Church, Count five-and-twenty, Tattycoram. Besides his dumb-waiter, Mr Meagles had two other not dumb waiters in the persons of two parlour-maids with rosy faces and bright eyes, who were a highly ornamental part of the table decoration. 'And why not, you see? said Mr Meagles on this head.

A servant should have a thumb napkin with which to hand the hot dishes, and a clean towel behind the screen with which to wipe the platters which have been sent up on the dumb-waiter. On these trifles depend the excellence of the simple dinner. One of the cleverest questions asked lately is, "What shall I talk about at a dinner-party?"