Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: July 31, 2024

I can go through anything with you!" "I can't get rid of him, that's all. I thought he'd go when I'd seen him there. But it's no good!" Terror got hold of her then. She peered at his face very white and haggard. There seemed no blood in it. They were going down-hill now, along the blank wall of a factory; there was the river in front, with the moonlight on it and boats drawn up along the bank.

"Because if you had gone on a little farther one of the wheels of your car would have come off, and if you had been going fast, or down-hill, you might have had a bad accident. I found the break when I was putting on the tire, and I came over to ask if you wanted me to fix it." "Yes, I suppose so. I'll come and have a look. We don't want to go on if there is any danger." "There is danger.

Around and over it whirled, this way and that, and a few moments later the chicken-coop dropped far away into the sea, where the big waves caught it and slid it up-hill to a foaming crest and then down-hill into a deep valley, as if it were nothing more than a plaything to keep them amused. Dorothy had a good ducking, you may be sure, but she didn't lose her presence of mind even for a second.

I have seen fields in Carolina where this might occur, as where a forty-five degree slope is tilled to the brink of a precipice. A woman told me: "I've hoed corn many a time on my knees yes, I have;" and another: "Many's the hill o' corn I've propped up with a rock to keep it from fallin' down-hill." Even in our new region many of the fields suffered quickly from erosion.

They were on the high level of the prairie and were getting the full benefit of the open sweep of country. "Cold?" Bill almost shouted. "No," came the quiet response. "Straight, down-hill trail. I'm going to let 'em have their heads." Both of these people knew every inch of the road they were travelling. There was no fear in their hearts. "Put 'em along, then." The horses raced along.

No, but it was that mother and daughter both saw, too plainly, that Jim was going down-hill, and that too with quickening steps. They saw that he was getting the slave of the drink, and they feared that there was worse behind; and, of course, there was: for when did ever the drink-fiend get an immortal being into his grasp without bringing a companion demon along with him?

As we enter it from the St. Die side we find just room for a carriage to wind along the little river and the narrow street. But at the other end the valley opens, and St. Marie-aux-mines spreads itself out. Here are factories, handsome country houses, and walks up-hill and down-hill in abundance.

She had been passively watching the excited faces of people hurling themselves down-hill on toboggans, but now she was herself poised on the crest of the slope, tense with an excitement not only more real, but somehow more vital to the scheme of things, than that felt by other people who had made the thrilling trip before her.

She was beginning to think that I was omnipotent although I really hadn't done anything but talk but that is the way with women when they love. Perry used to say that if a fellow was one-tenth as remarkable as his wife or mother thought him, he would have the world by the tail with a down-hill drag.

Pending this ceremony, I walked into the village, where I met a full-sized dwelling-house coming down-hill at a round trot, drawn by a score or more of oxen. The public-house was so very clean and good a one, that the managers of the jaunt resolved to return to it and put up there for the night, if possible.

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