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"That last lift takes it out of you, doesn't it?" he inquired, sympathetically. After a moment the stranger lifted a thin, colorless face overgrown with a bushy gray beard and began to curse in a gasping voice. The youth warned him. "You're only tiring yourself, my friend. It's all down-hill from here."

He gazed at Livingstone anxiously, almost timidly. Guy bowed his head in assent, but he could not find words to answer just then. There was something very terrible in that opening of the flood-gates when a life's pent-up remorse broke forth. "I think you will end better than I have done," Mohun went on, "though you are going down-hill fast now. But I have no right even to warn you.

But by that time it is 'too steep for hill-mounting, and too late for cost-counting; the down-hill path is easy, but there's no turning back." Honor gave a little shiver. "It's a wonderful bit of work," she said. "But is it always the man who leads up, and the woman who leads down, Quita?" "No. By no manner of means! I happened to see it so in those two instances.

I thought the old hunter had made rapid time on our way up, but now I saw what he really meant by "making tracks." Fortunately, after a short, killing climb, the return was all down-hill. One stride of Hiram's equalled two of mine, and he made his faster, so that I had to trot now and then to catch up. Very soon I was as hot as fire, and every step was an effort.

They showed the marks of enormous pugs that ran, always down-hill, to a few hundred feet below Jan Chinn's tomb, and disappeared in a narrow-mouthed cave. It was an insolently open road, a domestic highway, beaten without thought of concealment. "The beggar might be paying rent and taxes," Chinn muttered ere he asked whether his friend's taste ran to cattle or man. "Cattle," was the answer.

It was drawn by three horses, the first a leader, and when it came down-hill its bottom jolted against the ground. Some of the inhabitants of Yonville came out into the square; they all spoke at once, asking for news, for explanations, for hampers. Hivert did not know whom to answer. It was he who did the errands of the place in town.

All the way was down-hill, and Worrell walked like one accustomed to the woods, making such good time that at the end of ten minutes he was with the parties whom he was anxious to see and meet. Who were they? Six Indians, under the charge of Captain Bagley, who has already been introduced to our readers.

I saw a man, wild and war-frenzied, riding a war-frenzied horse; he rode at the head of a squadron, bare-headed, sword in hand, demon-like thundering down-hill upon a mass of men, stabbing, slashing, trampling, scattering! Above the roar of it all I heard his cry: "Finish it! Finish it!" And afterward he staggered from his horse and knelt by the men he had killed, and wept. I saw him again.

Now they fared over that neck somewhat east, making but slow way because the ground was so broken and rocky; and in another hour's space Sure-foot led down-hill due east to where the stony neck sank into another desolate miry heath still falling toward the east, but whose further side was walled by a rampart of crags cleft at their tops into marvellous-shapes, coal-black, ungrassed and unmossed.

His own instinct had been firm in this matter from the first. To save a little scandal now would only bring on his sister and her children real disgrace and perhaps ruin later on if Dartie were allowed to hang on to them, going down-hill and spending the money James would leave his daughter.