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Updated: August 14, 2024

Scraggs a-peckin' at him every time he goes home, an' the Maggie's a worry, not to mention the fact that there ain't much more'n a decent livin' for him in the green-pea trade. An' he ain't gittin' any younger, Bart. You got to bear that in mind." "Yes, an' he's been disapp'inted in his ambitions," McGuffey agreed.

Once I was to ride a shetland in the Grand Entry, but they had a monkey on another pony and I walked out on 'em." Davy picked up the reins and Frosty began tiptoeing around and arching his back. "Jist turn him loose, son," called Landy. "The old simpleton was expectin' some weight when ye got on, and he's disapp'inted." Landy led the way down the hill and Frosty followed like a pack horse.

I own I'm disapp'inted somewhat; for the master of the sloop gave me to understand he had heard from the master of the brig, that some valuable information was to be found on the old gentleman's charts." The deacon started, as here was an indication that the deceased had talked of his knowledge to others, as well as to himself!

"Vewve Clikot's universal an' suv'rin remedy," said David, reading the label and bringing the corners of his eye and mouth almost together in a wink to John, "fer toothache, earache, burns, scalds, warts, dispepsy, fallin' o' the hair, windgall, ringbone, spavin, disapp'inted affections, an' pips in hens," and out came the cork with a "wop," at which both the ladies, even Mrs.

"You ain't the only one that's be'n disapp'inted o' their heart's desire," said Mrs. Tobin sadly. "'T warn't so that I could be spared from home to learn the dressmaker's trade." "'T would a come handy later on, I declare," answered the sympathetic driver, "bein' 's you went an' had such a passel o' gals to clothe an' feed.

I know how cruel it is on the feelin's to have the hopes disapp'inted in these cases, and therefore shall proceed with caution. But, Mr. Mulford, there's a sail in sight, if there is a drop of water in the Gulf!" "A sail, Jack! I trust in Heaven you are not deceived!" "Old eyes are true eyes in such matters, sir. Be careful not to start the women.

"The outsiders fell astern, lookin' heartbroke and disapp'inted that we wa'n't hung on the spot, and the fat boss policeman and us two paraded along slow but grand. I felt like the feller that was caught robbin' the poorhouse, and I cal'late Jonadab felt the same, only he was so busy beggin' and pleadin' and explainin' that he couldn't stop to feel anything.

Then he told Rupert to have a try, and Rupert found some bits of string, a few buttons, two penny stamps, and twopence ha'penny in coppers. "Never mind," ses Mr. Alfredi; "I'll go round to the police-station in the morning; p'r'aps the boy 'as taken them there. I'm disapp'inted in George. I shall tell 'im so, too." He bid Rupert good-night and went off with Mrs.

"Now, see here, Beth, there ain't no use of your pretending to me. I've got a pair of eyes, and I make use of 'em. You wouldn't want him a mite different, and if he was, you'd be as disapp'inted as me. I know what I'm talking about," he declared, holding up his pipe with a convincing gesture. "All that he's done is as religious to him as preaching a sermon, even that fight down to the Inn.

Starbuck, and he will be proud of her." "I'm so glad to hear you say that, Miz Mayfield. An' you ain't disapp'inted at yo' nephew's choice?" "It was for him and her to choose, Mrs. Starbuck, and all the rest of the world should be silent." "But," Margaret persisted, "his father, the Jedge. What about him?"

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