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There's just this diff'rence betwixt true love an' the common kind the common kind o' love moves ye i' the wrong way, an' true love i' the right; fur it's a true word the blessed St. John said when he said that love is God. 'Did St. John say that? said Skelton. 'Yes, sir, I read it to mother just afore she died.

Some time some fellow was prepared to lay down his life, or betther still, th' other fellows', f'r th' right to vote." "I believe ye're in favor iv it ye'ersilf," said Mr. Hennessy. "Faith," said Mr. Dooley, "I'm not wan way or th' other. I don't care. What diff'rence does it make? I wudden't mind at all havin' a little soap an' wather, a broom an' a dusther applied to pollyticks.

"I think we'd enj'y seein' 'em do all that," said Shorty, laughing at the picture Si had drawn. "I reckon most of 'em 'd peter out purty quick, and I'd like to hear what sort o' speeches they'd, make then. I tell ye, Si, there's a big diff'rence 'tween goin' yerself an' tellin' some other feller to go."

If I could I'd looked the other way, so's to give her a chance to duck recognizin' me; but I couldn't do anything but stare back. And the next thing I knew she's comin' straight for me. "Why, Torchy!" says she, sort of purry and confidential. "You!" And blamed if she wa'n't holdin' out both hands. Well, say, you can't imagine what a diff'rence that makes to me.

That's where ye'er wrong, me bucko. Th' war is not over till Cousin George stops fightin'. Th' Spanyards have had enough, but among thrue fightin' men it don't make anny diff'rence what th' feelin's iv th' la-ad undherneath may be. 'Tis whin th' man on top has had his fill iv fightin' that th' throuble's over, an' be the look iv things Cousin George has jus' begun to take tay.

Th' time was whin it was me ambition or wan iv thim to be a king. Arly in life I'd committed the youthful folly iv bein' born outside iv th' counthry an' so I cuddent be Prisidint. But it don't make anny diff'rence what counthry a king comes from so long as he don't come fr'm th' counthry where he's king. 'No natives need apply, is th' motto.

"How much, for instance?" says I. "Why, I should readily have given five thousand for it," says he; "ten, if necessary." "Not fifteen?" says I. "I think I would," says he. "Huh!" says I. "Some folks don't care what they do with money. We'll split the diff'rence though, and call it twelve and a half. But it don't cost you a cent.

Woods and fields, and villas, and farms, and waste-lands, and forests, and water, fly past in endless variety and loveliness. "A panoramy without no end!" exclaimed Tim Lumpy after one of his long gazes of silent admiration. "Wot a diff'rence!" murmured Bobby Frog. "Wouldn't mother an' daddy an' Hetty like it, just!" The city of Toronto came in sight.

Now, what shall I do about it? "'Waal, Doctor, says Dock Smith, 'what do you think 'bout it? "'He's got to die anyhow, says Dock Brainerd, 'an' I don't suppose the beans 'll make any diff'rence. "'That's the way I figger it, says Dock Smith; 'in all my practice I never knew of beans hurtin' anybody. "So Sary went down to the kitchen an' brought up a plateful of hot baked beans.

"Any o' us," continued the speaker, "could plug the persimmon that a way. But thar's a mighty heap o' diff'rence when you squints thro' hind-sights at a girl like yon." "Ye're right, Dick," said another hunter; "it makes a fellow feel queery about the jeints." "Holy vistment!