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Updated: August 25, 2024

How long will it las'?" "I think there's enough to pay the interest five or six months." "Den you's all right. If he don't die in six months, dat don't make no diff'rence Providence'll provide. You's gwine to be safe if you behaves." She bent an austere eye on him and added, "En you IS gwine to behave does you know dat?" He laughed and said he was going to try, anyway. She did not unbend.

It's what the doctor says he'd orter hev." "Then, we'll go, of course," declared Amarilly resolutely. "And, Amarilly," said the Boarder gravely, "your ma ain't said why she wanted to go, but think of the diff'rence it will make in her life.

"Hi! hi! hi!" yelled the gang in reply. "Oh, ain't he a beauty! Look at de cotton waddin' on his head!" Throw that ladder down; we're comin' up there don't make no diff'rence whether we got yer permish or not and we'll knock the stuffin' out o' ye if ye put up any job on us. H'ist out that ladder!"

'Twixt a woman whose feet one's lips kiss and a smooth-faced fawn, Who kisses the earth, the diff'rence is great indeed. And a fifth: My soul be thy ransom! Indeed, I've chosen thee out with intent, Because thou layest no eggs and dost not menstruate. For, an I inclined to foregather with harlots, upon my faith, The wide, wide world for the brats I should get would prove too strait.

"Why Chicago is further'n Buf'lo an' that's faster'n a train." "Yes," drawled the old man; "he passed the Empire Express th' other side Syr'cuse." "Get out." "What do you take us fer?" "Wall, when you cum in, I took you fer fellers who knowed the diff'rence betwixt whiskey and benzine, but I see my mistake.

I ain't beyond gettin' back on the right trail, if yer only gives me time. Your comin' back here to the wilds has made a kinder diff'rence t' me a heap of diff'rence. D'ye savee?" "I'm glad to hear it, Nick, my boy," said Kiddie. "And I quite understand.

And, say, there wa'n't any use tryin' to kid myself into thinkin' maybe she don't mean it. I'd seen how strong this story of little Helma's had got to her; and, believe me, when Vee gets real stirred up over anything she's some earnest party no four-flushin' about her! And it don't seem to make much diff'rence who blocks the path.

"Hope he gave us a clean bill." "Well, he didn't say nothin' against you, if that's what you mean. If he had, I don't think it would have made much diff'rence. I've lived long enough to want to find out things for myself, and not take folks' say-so."

"She's here, by Jerry!" muttered Katz. "Hogan and Wynn haven't left us yet not just yet! I allow they're whoopin' it up, some'r's, and are show gettin' out to the yacht." "Maybe they're on the Sylvia," said Burton, "and some of the crew's ashore." "What diff'rence does it make who's ashore and who's on the yacht?" "It makes a good deal," put in the motor wizard.

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