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Like that for a mile or so; then ma'm'selle remember there is a great crack in the ice a mile farther on, and beyond the ice is weak and rotten, for there the curren' is ver' strongest. She see that M'sieu' Charles, he can do nothing, so she reach and take the reins. The horses go on; it make no diff'rence at first.

So that's what I've got 'hip-disease'! an' oh, no," he broke off suddenly, consulting his book, "'t ain't hip-disease when the shoulder aches it's the liver, then." "Well, well, Jason, I don't think I should fret," soothed Mehitable. "If ye don't know, where's the diff'rence? Now I've got a pain right now in my little toe. Like enough that means I 'm comin' down with the mumps; eh?" "Hitty!"

An', say, Keith, it was you I was thinkin' about." "Heavens, Susan! A poem out of me? No wonder your muse balked! I'm afraid you'd find even er perspiration wouldn't make a poem out of me." "Keith, do you remember?" Susan was still earnest and preoccupied. "I told you once that it didn't make no diff'rence if God had closed the door of your eyes.

"I've read about it!..." "Well, that's livin' in sin, that is. Pers'nally, I down't see wot diff'rence it mykes. They be'ave about the syme, married or not. 'E's a bit more lovin', per'aps, than a 'usband, but otherwise it's about the syme!" The bluntness of Lizzie's speech disconcerted him, and yet the simplicity of it reassured him.

'I've steered a good many vessels in my time, through traffic and amongst the shoals, and never run afoul of nothin' yet. I don't see much diff'rence on shore 'cept that it's a little easier. "EASIER! Wouldn't that Well, what's the use of talkin'?

"H-m, h-m," said David with a nod; "diff'rence 'tween joggin' along on the road an' drivin' a fust heat on the track; in one case the' ain't nothin' up, an' ye don't care whether you git there a little more previously or a little less; an' in the other the's the crowd, an' the judges, an' the stake, an' your record, an' mebbe the pool box into the barg'in, that's all got to be considered.

I stroll the West gayly, You'll see me there daily, From Burlington Arcade Up to the Old Bailey. I'm stony! I'm Tony! But that makes no diff'rence, you see. Though I haven't a fraction, I've this satisfaction, They built Piccadilly for me." Throughout October we fulfilled the prophecy of the officer who told us that "sitting tight" in the German trenches was to be our function.

But give thim th' wurrud to git ap, an' they'd ate their thistles undher th' guns iv some ol' Morro Castle befure night. "Ye don't see th' diff'rence, says ye. They ain't anny i' th' leaders. As efficient a lot iv mules as iver exposed their ears. Th' throuble is with th' rank an' file. They're men. What's needed to carry on this war as it goes to-day is an ar-rmy iv jacks an' mules.

"Other gin'rals iv th' r-rough-house kind, like Napoleon Bonypart, th' impror iv th' Frinch, Gin'ral Ulis S. Grant, an' Cousin George Dooley, hired coarse, rude men that wudden't know th' diff'rence between goluf an' crokay, an' had their pants tucked in their boots an' chewed tobacco be th' pound.

I asked you whether you was surprised." "Drazk's movements were are nothing to me. I don't know that I have any occasion to be surprised about anything he may do." "Well, I'm rather glad you're not, because if you don't jump to conclusions, perhaps other people won't. Not that it makes any partic'lar diff'rence." "Dad," she cried in desperation, "whatever do you mean?"