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And the whispered remarks they passed! "Why, Madge! Aren't you just killing! Whose brother did you say you thought Yes, and so curly, too!" I try to forget that red thatch of mine most of the time; but this was no place to practice bein' absent minded. It didn't seem to make any diff'rence whether I put my hat on or left it off, they were wise to the ruddy hair.

"He'd BEEN on a ship, hadn't he? What was the name of her?" "I didn't ask. What diff'rence does that make?" "Wasn't Mr. Atkins at sea in those days?" put in the teacher. The captain answered her. "Yes, he was," he said. "That is, I think he was. He was away from here when I skipped out, and he didn't get back till '61 or thereabouts." "Well, anyhow," went on Asaph, "that's all I could find out.

That's the first thing." "No, I don't," said Betty reluctantly. "Well, darling, you must remember the diff'rence is that Enoch only walked with God, but the carriage was sent for Elijah!" "Was it a carriage and pair, Hugh?" "More, I expect." "What next, Hugh?" "We'll just look until we find something." And Hugh opened the Bible. "It's upside down," whispered Betty.

Mebby me an' you have got cravin's fer betterment in common betwixt us but hit 'pears like thar's always one diff'rence risin' up thet balks everything else." Even the peppery Opdyke did not venture to break heatedly in on the pause that followed those regretful words.

Then how like a Man of the Town, so Wild and Gay is that The Wife will find a Diff'rence in our Fate, You wed a Woman, I a good Estate. It would have been a very wild Endeavour for a Man of my Temper to offer any Opposition to so nimble a Speaker as my Fair Enemy is; but her Discourse gave me very many Reflections, when I had left her Company.

All this talk about th' rapid fire gun an' modhren methods iv warfare makes me wondher. They'se not so much diff'rence between war now an' war whin I was a kid, as they let on. Th' gun that shoots ye best fr'm a distance don't shoot ye so well close to. A pile iv mud is a pile iv mud now just th' same as it was whin Gin'ral Grant was pokin' ar-round.

"Do remember, Martha," says she, "that you were not always sixty-three years old, and that once Why, bless me! This must be Alicia Vernon's child. Is there a name on the back? There is! Verona Ashton Hemmingway, heiress to all that is left of poor Dick's fortune. She's a beauty, just like her mother." "She's all of that," says I. It didn't make any diff'rence to Aunt Martha who she was, though.

"And if you did, you would be under the impression that you were doing me a great favour." "I like to see a girl economical," he remarked, frowning, "but there's a diff'rence between that and being miserly. And," with resolution, "I go further, and I say that if there's anybody who's got a just and fair and proper claim on your consideration, it is F. W. B."

One minute he'd be talkin' good common sense like anybody: an' the next he'd be chatterin' of coats made o' ice, an' birds an' squirrels an' babbling brooks. He sure is dippy! Listen. He actually don't seem ter know the diff'rence between himself an' his fiddle.

"Two weeks on the water wagon, a few visits to the beauty parlors, and an outfit of tango skirts ought to make some diff'rence, hadn't it?" says I. "Those items would be included. What do you say?" I expect it was a good deal of a proposition to spring on a female party. No wonder she choked up over it. "If I thought you were just guying me," says she, "I I'd "