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"The shock to the nervous system," he said, "we cannot tell what it will do." Lois was so prostrated by grief at Mrs. Forsythe's condition, no one dared tell her that Mr. Denner was the immediate anxiety. There was an injury to the spine, and the plunging hoofs had done more harm than was at first supposed; things looked very serious for the little gentleman.

Denner, would have no other occupation than to make his own will; and they had nodded approvingly when the young man added that it would seem scarcely gracious to settle in Mercer while Mr. Denner still hoped to find clients there, and sat once a week, for an hour, in a dingy back office waiting for them. True, they never came; but Gifford had once read law with Mr.

So there was as guid as the price o' the denner he gave me, an' naethin said. Noo read the letter an' ye'll see why I'm greetin'. Richard's gone to Ameriky to perjure his soul. He says it was to gie himsel' up to the law, but from the letter to Hester it's likely his courage failed him. There's naethin' to mak' o't but that an' he sae bonny an' sweet, like his mither."

Denner began to speak of Gifford's kindness, and how good every one in the village had been to him; even Mary had softened wonderfully in the last few days, though of this the sick man did not speak, for it would seem to imply that Mary had not always been all she might be, and, in view of her present kindness, it would have been ungracious to draw attention to that. "Yes," Mr.

Denner politely "ah certainly; but, between ourselves, doctor, putting aside this amiable and pleasing view of the church, you understand, speaking just as we are in the habit of doing, what do you suppose what do you think is beyond?" His voice had sunk to a whisper, and his eager eyes searched Dr. Howe's face. "How can we tell?" answered the rector.

But what vexed me maist was to think that she wad be gaun to ae place o' public worship on the Sabbath, and me to anither, just like twa strangers; and maybe if her minister preached half an hour langer than mine, or mine half an hour langer than hers, or when we had nae intermission, then there was the denner spoiled, and the servant no kenned what time to hae it ready; for the mistress said ane o'clock, and the maister said twa o'clock.

"I defy the utmost power of language to disgust me wi' a gude denner," observes the Ettrick Shepherd; thus putting on record the attitude of the bucolic mind, impassive, immutable, since earth's first harvests were gleaned. The artificial emotions which expand under provocation, and collapse when the provocation is withdrawn, must be held responsible for much mental confusion.

"By Jove!" he cried, clapping his thigh, "Denner! Denner and Miss Deborah! Bless my soul, Denner!" His mirth, however, did not last long; some immediate annoyances of his own forced themselves into his mind. Before he went to the lawyer's office, he had had a talk with Mrs.

Denner, and knew and loved the little gentleman, so he could not do a thing which might appear discourteous. And when he further remarked that there seemed to be a good opening in Lockhaven, which was a growing place, and that it would be very jolly to have Helen Jeffrey there when she became Mrs.

Denner in Mercer, had been offered the young lawyer, and he had been willing to stay in Ashurst a little longer, though he had told himself he was a fool. Lois looked forward to the visit with feverish anxiety. Mr. Forsythe, perhaps to please his mother, but certainly with rather an ill grace, had lingered in Ashurst.