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Ham lingered a little behind, but finally he embraced Aunt Martha, and said: "'Good-by, Marfa; I guess I'se a gone darky dis time. I tell you I do not like de dream what I had. "'Go long, you ole fool; dreams 'mount to nuffin. You eats too much cabbage las' night. Dats all what ails you. Dar's no danger you git kill. You jes' go long wid Massa Tom. Dat's what you do. "'All right, Marfa, I do it.

George said, "Ma I aint sputing you, jes somebody done misinform you dats all. She aint got no broke leg, she walks as good as me." His mother said "then I'm a lie." George quickly replied, "no ma, you aint no lie, but somebody done told you wrong." Nothing was said further on the question of Mary Jones until that same evening when Isaac Pretty came home from the shop.

Dats the reason I don't like the PWA work I done. It cuts you off without a thing to go on. I likes farm work whole heap the best." Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Mrs. Dicey Thomas 2500 Center Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: About 82 "I was born in Barbour County, Alabama. When I was born, the white folks kept the children's age, not that of their parents.

As for Harry, he drove the horse hack to the stable until noon, when he was to call for his mother on his way from school with Ally and Cornelia. "Why, Judy, we came to see you; I thought that if you were sick, I could perhaps comfort you." "Wal, I has been sick wid de rheumatiz. O marcy! I'se had sich orful pains all through me, and dats de reason I didn't cum last night.

"Ha! ha!" laughed the weird old creature who ushered the astonished youths into this strange banqueting hall, "the rubberts rubbers you calls dem?" "Robbers, she means; that's the naughty men," explained Letta, who seemed to enjoy the old woman's blunders in the English tongue. "Yis, dats so roberts an' pyrits ha! ha! dems feed here dis mornin'. You feed dis afternoons. Me keeps house for dem.

Father died and William Perry was mudders second husband. "My mudder wuz a Virginian and my father was a South Carolinian. My oldest brodder was named Sebron and oldest sister wuz Maggie. Den de next brudder wuz William, de next sister wuz named Artie, next Susie. Dats all of dem. "De hol entire family lived together on the Cakhoba river, Perry County, Alabama.

Oooh I no's dat is so cause I seed hit wid my own eyes. "My Mammy had a woman dat lived wid us and she died, and sometimes afterwards, she called me and I looked in de room and dis woman was sitting on de side of de bed and wen i spoke to her she slowly ris up and went thru a crack about two inches wide. now dats a fak!

Dat niggah don' know nofing 'bout de riber, sah, no sah, me do dough, an, me'll go down fur nothin' sah." "Are you sure you understand the channel down the river?" asked Paul. "Deed I do, sah, I knows mos' oh the cat-fish tween heah an' dere." "Consider yourself engaged, providing you can get the boat away from Gabriel." "Dats all right sah, lebe dat to me," Mr. Brown answered.

She were a powerful good cook, mammy were an she were sol' fo to pay dat debt." "She tuk us four chillen 'long wid her, an pappy an th' others staid back in Louieville. Dey tuk us all on a boat de Big Ribber evah heah ob de big ribber? Mississippi its name but we calls it de big ribber." "Natchez on de hill dats whaah de tuk us to. Nactchez-on-de-hill dis side of N' Or'leans.

Minervy’s boy was even now making his appearance, carrying a good sized bundle of papers and letters, with which he walked boldly up to Hosmer, plainly impressed with the importance of this new rôle. “Well, colonel; so you’ve taken Sampson’s place?” Hosmer observed, receiving the mail from the boy’s little black paws. “My name’s Major, suh. Maje; dats my name.