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Well, I followed the old countryman and accused him of stealing my purse. And, my Crikey! if you had only seen how the old codger looked when he found the purse in his pocket. I threatened to give him in charge of the first 'copper' I saw; and he was so frightened that I actually got a 'quid' out of him to let him off." Watch. Purse. "Well now, tell me about 'snyde-pitching."

There was a sort of hollow at that place, but it was a sloping hollow; and, half dead as he was, he must have hung on with his ten fingers. Crikey, it was time I came!" Lupin listened, listened in despair. He collected his strength to grasp and understand the words.

Yes, the others HAD wished there was no doubt about that and they must have wished that they lived in a castle; for there the castle stood black and stately, and very tall and broad, with battlements and lancet windows, and eight great towers; and, where the garden and the orchard had been, there were white things dotted like mushrooms. 'Oh, crikey! said Robert fervently.

Spring, with its daffodils, its pretty little birds and all the other things. He mounted and rode away. A meaningless string of words seemed to circle round and round in his brain. "Jona. Washo. Crikey." At dinner that night, Mabel said: "We shall begin our spring-cleaning to-morrow. I intend that it shall be done particularly thoroughly this year.

"Oh! his name is on the panels at the head of the staircase; and it's carved on a bed in the next room." "Crikey! I must go and look at it." "You can look at the panels, of course; but don't say 'Crikey! and don't go into the next room. Two Fifth Form fellows have it. It would be infernal cheek." John hoped that Scaife would offer to accompany him to the panels. Then he went alone.

Crikey, you'd look mighty fine stuck up against a wall with half a dozen bloomin' Prussian rifles looking at yer. Blime if I don't believe you'd dodge the bullets by caving-in at the knees!" A fierce look would be the response to such torment. "Gawd's trewth! My fretful bumble-bee, I'd write to old Tight-Whiskers about it if I was you. Get 'im to come an' bail yer out!"

'She won't enjoy herself most frightfully carrying our infant duke to Rochester, said Robert, 'not if she's anything like me she won't. 'Fancy walking to Rochester with the Lamb on your back! Oh, crikey! said Cyril in full agreement. 'She's going by carrier, said Jane.

'Lately arrived' this is what I suddenly stumbled on 'at Dumbreck's Hotel, the Viscount of Saint-Yves. 'Rowley, said I. 'If you please, Mr. Anne, sir, answered the obsequious, lowering his pipe. 'Come and look at this, my boy, said I, holding out the paper. 'My crikey! said he. 'That's 'im, sir, sure enough! 'Sure enough, Rowley, said I. 'He's on the trail. He has fairly caught up with us.

It startled Blake a goodish bit, too. All along the Avenue he'd been making just a quiet sort of snivelling noise. Crikey, if he didn't speak up quite perky. "O, my fren'," he says. "So drunk and yet so young." Meaning me, if you please. It was too thick. "You blighter," I says. "You blooming blighter. You talk to me like that. Let go of my arm and see me knock you down."

"Crikey, there she goes!" he cried, and jerked his arm towards an unwieldy battle-ship nosing her way out of the Hamoaze, her low bows tracing a thin line of white. For half a minute they stood watching her. "She's ugly enough, in all conscience," commented Parson Jack. "She's a holy terror. But perhaps you don't believe in turrets. Nor do I, to that extent. It's tempting Providence."