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An old castle by the sea swarmed with them, and when my brothers took lighted pieces of wood and went into the dark, deserted ruin to rouse the sleeping bats and see whether they could not catch one, the way in which the poor dazed creatures flew at our faces in their blind efforts to escape frightened me very much, and when one was caught and put into my hand I disliked the "creepy" feel of the soft wings too much to keep it long.

The new gun he had ordered might arrive at any time now. Perhaps even today, when they had been digging up the pirate treasure, the Scientist had got his new rifle and had started to hunt through the mountains. The thought gave David a creepy feeling on the back of his neck. They certainly would have to hurry.

It was a wonder she had not mounted the dresser, too, for there, issuing in creepy single file from the wainscoting, came mice mice of various tints. A red one led the grewsome rank, a black and white one came next, then in decorous procession followed the guilty green one, a yellow one, a blue one, and finally horror of horrors! a red-white-and-blue mouse, carrying a tiny American flag.

"Br-r-r! but it's creepy here!" sighed Ruth, as the two young men got into the boat again. "Is that a light a lantern off there?" asked Alice, suddenly, as she sat up and pointed. For a moment they all hoped that it was, and they raised their voices in shouts: "Here we are!" "Look for our lantern!"

Up to this time she had bravely fought back the tears, but just then a screech-owl flapped down from a branch above her with such a dismal hooting that she gave a nervous start and a cry of terror. "Oh, that frightened me so!" she sobbed. "I don't believe I can stand it to be out here all night alone with so many horrible creepy things everywhere. And nobody cares!

Apleon," he said, turning to the instrument. There followed a few moments exchanges on the 'phone, then replacing the receiver he turned. But his visitor was gone. "That's curious!" he muttered. "I did not hear a sound of his going, any more than I did of his coming. Uncanny, eerie, creepy, almost!" There was a tap at the door. "Come in!" he called.

It was only then that he observed that all six bottles had those bright metallic seals of various tints, and seemed to have been chosen solely because they have the three primary and three secondary colours: red, blue, and yellow; green, violet and orange. There grew upon Inglewood an almost creepy sense of the real childishness of this creature.

Her name is not Buttons; she is not in the least a contemptible nor entirely a comic figure. She has a powerful stoop and an ugly, attractive face, a little like that of Huxley without the whiskers, of course. The courage with which she supports the most brutal bad luck has something quite creepy about it.

I was so busy helping to push the boat into deep water that I didn't think any more about the fellow who dived, only I supposed he must have turned back. I heard the fellows shouting, but I didn't pay any attention. Out on the lake I could hear the voice now calling help, and it sounded creepy, like a person trying to call while he's gargling. Doc said, "It's all up with him; hurry, anyway."

As we pulled up at the front door, it opened, and a woman's figure appeared. "Have you got him, Bill?" she said, which in my present frame of mind struck me as a jolly creepy way of putting it. The sort of thing Lady Macbeth might have said to Macbeth, don't you know. "Do you mean me?" I said. She came down into the light. It was Elizabeth, looking just the same as in the old days.