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Updated: August 26, 2024

"The squire very kindly lent sheets for them both to be laid out in, and mould candle-sticks to hould the lights; and, God he knows, 'twas a grievous sight to see the father and mother both stretched beside one another in their poor place, and their little orphans about them; the gorsoons, them that had sense enough to know their loss, breaking their hearts, the craythurs, and so hoarse, that they weren't able to cry or spake.

She was interrupted by her mother's voice on the road calling her loudly. She answered, and ran round to the front of the cabin, where she found her standing. "And where in the world's the craythurs did ye see sight o' them anywhere?" cried Mrs. Ryan, as the girl came over the stile. "Arrah! mother, 'tis only what they're run down the road a bit. We'll see them this minute coming back.

Dear old maddest of created 'Caesars, I feel as if I were whacking at him yet! What do you think of me? But we 'that be females are the same craythurs alwis', as old Chalse used to say, and what a woman is in the cradle she continues to be to the end. There again! I wonder who told you that, young lady!

I say, when they were washed and dressed, their friends and neighbors knelt down around them, and offered up a Pather and Ave a-piece, for the good of their sowls: when this was done, they all raised the keena, stooping over them at a half bend, clapping their hands, and praising them, as far as they could say anything good of them; and indeed, the craythurs, they were never any one's enemy but their own, so that nobody could say an ill word of either of them.

When it came, though, we did not lose much time in getting it on board and stowed, even Tom Jerrold and I working under hatches. "Begorra, we'll show them poor craythurs," cried Tim Rooney, bracing himself up for the task and baring his sinewy arms with much gusto as he buckled to the job, setting the hands a worthy example to follow.

The contempt in Judy's eyes proved too much for the poor creature, and at the top of the stairs, with a hysterical shriek, she burst into tears and fled humbled. "I knew you'd do it," said Jerry the third butler. "It's not in thim wake craythurs to take the luk from you, Miss Haskell." "Ye're the wan dacint boy in the place," said Judy, remembering many attentions from the shrewd lad.

"Sure I never preached in my life, and never will. But I'll hold ye to your word, Jeroboam; and, with God's blessing, we'll be off betimes to-morrow morning. Here come the boys: and, Holy Mother, look at the boatful of clawing craythurs they have with them!" "Lobsters, Brother Bart!" shouted Freddy, triumphantly. "Lobsters, Captain Jeb! Fine big fellows. I'm hungry as three bears."

And where's the craythurs, Nell?" "Playin' out on the road, mother; didn't ye see them and you comin' up?" "No; there was no one before me on the road," she said, uneasily; "not a soul, Nell; and why didn't ye keep an eye on them?" "Well, they're in the haggard, playin' there, or round by the back o' the house. Will I call them in?" "Do so, good girl, in the name o' God.

"Well, before you leave us, be off now, and let the animal out o' the pound." "Is that it? Oh, God help you! what'll you do when you'll be left to yourself, as you will be on Saturday next? Let her out, says you. Troth, the poor woman had her cow safe and sound at home wid her before she went to bed last night, and her poor childre had her milk to kitchen their praties, the craythurs.

"Oh! never fear, when the thing is to be done, I'll do it, by dad, wid a heart and a half. And sure, your honor, God is good, an' will mind dessolute craythurs like uz on the wild oceant as well as ashore."

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