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"It might just as well have been the edge of the dock as the curb; that's what I mean," said Mr. Wheeler, with a gravity befitting his narrow escape. "I'm alwis telling you not to walk on the edge, father," said his wife, uneasily. The dock-foreman smiled faintly. "Dooty must be done," he said, in a firm voice.

''Ullo, Bob, said his brother-in-law; 'come along 'ome an' get to bed, there's a good chap. You'll be awright in the mornin'. 'She ain't turned up, Bob complained, 'or else I've missed 'er. This is the reg'lar place where I alwis used to meet 'er. But she'll come tomorrer. She used to leave me in the lurch sometimes, bein' nach'rally larky. But very good-'arted, mindjer; very good-'arted.

Right here it is." "Any rigidity there?" "Huh?" "Is it rigid stiff I mean, does the belly feel hard to the fingers?" "I dunno. She ain't said yet." "What she been eating?" "Vell, I t'ink about vot ve alwis eat, maybe corn beef and cabbage and sausage, und so weiter. Doc, sie weint immer, all the time she holler like hell. I vish you come." "Well, all right, but you call me earlier, next time.

I I don't expect she'll be very long. She was alwis a bit larky, was Melier; but very good-'arted. His sister had prepared a strenuous lecture on the theme of 'I told you so'; but the man was so broken, so meek, and so plainly unhinged in his faculties, that she suppressed it.

Dear old maddest of created 'Caesars, I feel as if I were whacking at him yet! What do you think of me? But we 'that be females are the same craythurs alwis', as old Chalse used to say, and what a woman is in the cradle she continues to be to the end. There again! I wonder who told you that, young lady!