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All day long the pinnaces, cutters, gigs, steam launches shoved and bumped against the stone steps, marines came ashore for the mail, stewards for fruit and fish, Red Cross nurses to shop, tiny midshipmen to visit the movies, and the sailors and officers of the Russian, French, British, Italian, and Greek war-ships to stretch their legs in the park of the Tour Blanche, or to cramp them under a café table.

Natural History. For the Use of Schools and Families. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 382. $1.00. Introduction to the Study of International Law, Designed as an Aid in Teaching, and in Historical Studies. By Theodore D. Woolsey, President of Yale College. Boston. Munroe & Co. 12mo. pp. xx., 486. $1.25. Somnambulism and Cramp. By Baron Reichenbach.

You've been jogging, but that isn't the gait. Holmes, straighten back more -don't cramp your chest!" So the criticisms rang out. Luce was an authority on short sprinting. He had made good in that line in his own college days. "Jennison, you're not running with your arms! Forget 'em!" Jennison promptly let his arms hang motionless at his sides. "Come in, Jennison!" called coach. Jennison came in.

His left arm hung limp, almost useless; he handled the rein with his right; and most of the time he hung low over the pommel. The gray walls flashing by him, the whip of twigs, the rush of wind, the heavy, rapid pound of hoofs, the violent motion of his horse these vied in sensation with the smart of sweat in his eyes, the rack of his wound, the cold, sick cramp in his stomach.

"She has cramp," suggested Baron Swartz, who had followed the king. Frederick turned hastily. "Is that dangerous" he asked, in a tone which betrayed his alarm and agitation. "Not dangerous, sire, but the physician who was with her has declared that absolute quiet was necessary. Will your majesty command that another dancer shall take her place?"

Here was nothing to cramp the mind: here was the England that has absorbed Celt, Saxon, Fleming, Norman, generation after generation, each with its passing form of political faith: the England of traditional eld, the beloved country. In the meanwhile Lawrence had to find Chilmark.

I'll tell you frankly, as man to man, that I can't go on walking all night, Clint. I'm dog-tired and my left leg's got a cramp in it and I'm weak with hunger. Let's find a cosy corner somewhere and go to sleep." "I reckon we'll have to. I'm about all in, too. We'd better find a place where there's more shelter than there is here, though. Gee, but we are certainly a fine pair of idiots!"

Boys saunter over the green with stumps and cricket-bats. Other boys gallop by on the riding-master's hacks. I protest it is Cramp, Riding master, as it used to be in the reign of George IV., and that Centaur Cramp must be at least a hundred years old. Yonder comes a footman with a bundle of novels from the library. Are they as good as OUR novels? Oh! how delightful they were!

The trapper bounded at them, his tanned face glowing, his gray eyes glad. "Boys, it's come at last! I knowed I'd run into you some day," he said, and he gripped them with horny hands. Neale tried to speak, but a terrible cramp in his throat choked him. He appealed with his hands to Slingerland. The trapper lost his smile and the iron set returned to his features. Larry choked over his utterance.

He gave me his pocket-book with his name; I shall not forget it readily, it was Stopford." "Ah, poor Billy! He was my junior lieutenant," said Bubbleton; "an active fellow, but he never could jump with me. Confound him! he has left me a souvenir also, though a very different kind from yours, a cramp in the stomach I shall never get rid of."