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I'd allus heard 'at he was a rip-snortin' screamer, an' here he was talkin' low an' level like, as if he was conversin' about the weather; but when I looked into Monody's face an' saw it gray an' quivery, I knew 'at Brophy wasn't no bluffer, whether he yelled or whether he whispered. I moved about an inch 'cause my leg was strainin', an' three guns dropped on me. "Don't try nothin'," sez Brophy.

"I'm no New Theater manager," says I. "What's the answer?" "I observed you loitering in the lower corridor," says he. "That is all." "Oh!" says I. "You seen me conversin' with Mr. Leary, eh?" "Mr. Leary!" says Piddie, raisin' his eyebrows. "Well, Hunch, then," says I. "Tryin' to get up a grouch because you wa'n't introduced? Don't take it hard. He's kind of exclusive, Mr. Leary is."

You see, he was sort of doublin' in brass, as it were; conversin' for two, you know. For Sallie was playin' it safe, watchin' how the others negotiated the asparagus, passin' up all the dishes she couldn't dope out, and sayin' mighty little. Mostly she's watchin' Mr. Leavitt, her eyes growin' brighter and rounder as the meal progresses, and at last fairly beamin' across the table at him.

"My! wouldn't that get away with some of my foxy neighbours," she said. "Me to have a 'phone like they do, an' be conversin' at all hours of the day with my son's folks and everybody. I'd be tickled to pieces, David." "Then I'll never dare do it," said the Harvester, "because I can't keep house without you." "Where's your own woman?" promptly inquired Granny. "She can't leave her people.

She was a beautiful-looking woman, and so pretty-behaved; quiet, but observin'. I never saw a man age as William's father has; it made my heart ache when I first caught sight of him driving into the yard last night." "He revived up conversin' with you an' makin' such a good hearty tea," suggested Marilla, disappearing in the pantry.

The way she said it wuz: "One, two, three, four, yes, mother; five, six, seven, I will." She had to count every shell from top to toe of 'em, which made it hard and wearin' both for her and them she wuz conversin' with.

"'You appear to me like a man that's seen trouble, says he. "'Trouble! says Scraggs. 'Trouble! Then he spit out of the door and turned his back deliberate, like there wasn't any use conversin' on the subject, unless in the presence of an equal. "Scraggs was a hard man to break into, but Smithy scratched his head and took a brace. "'I've met with misfortune myself, says he.

Which he's not only eager to kick towerists an' others he takes a notion ag'inst; but he's likewise what you-alls calls a kleptomaniac, an' is out to steal an' sim'lar low-down plays. "I warns this yere tenderfoot his name's Smith, but I pulls on him when conversin' as 'Colonel' I warns this shorthorn not to fuss 'round my Jerry mule, bein', as I states, a mule whose mood is ornery.

But they hed suthin' ter look tormented an' tribulated 'bout," said the girl, evidently disappointed to find the jury of view not more cheerful of aspect. "But mebbe conversin' a passel by the way with old Persimmon Sneed is powerful depressin' ter the sperits." Selwyn's face grew grave at the mention of the coroner's jury. "I'm afraid that poor fellow missed something good," he said.

They sa'nters off down the trail, arm in arm like, conversin' in low tones so Peets an' me never does hear what they says. When they's in what they takes to be the c'rrect p'sition, they stops an' looks back at me an' Peets. Bill turns to Jim like he's sayin': "'Thar's them two short-horns ag'in. I wonders if they ever aims to pull their freight, or do they reckon they'll pitch camp right yere?"