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Updated: August 3, 2024

I notice nights after she's kept school for Sonny all day she talks consider'ble in her sleep, an' she says, "Aught's a aught" about ez often ez she says anything else. Oh, yas, sir; he's had consider'ble fusses with his teachers, one way an' another, but they ever'one declare they think a heap of 'im. Sir?

"If there's any critters on earth," declared the stout woman, "that I can't stand, it's wasps and hornets and such. Mice, I don't mind " "I do," interrupted her companion with emphasis. "But when I walked into that room and seen that nest in the corner I was pretty nigh knocked over and," she added, "it takes consider'ble to do that to ME." The assistant looked at her.

But the young man was firm, and, at last, the lightkeeper yielded. "It's real kind of you," he declared, "and bein' as I've consider'ble to do, I don't know but I'll let you. Here's a couple of dishcloths, and there's the towels. I'm goin' out to see to the lights, and I'll be back pretty soon and get supper."

Feeling that it would be superfluous to repeat his instructions to so sagacious an idiot, Tiffles immediately presented himself before the audience again, with a long stick, or wand, for pointing out the beauties of the panorama. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am about to exhibit to you the Panorama of Africa. You have all heard of Africa." VOICE. "Consider'ble."

I guess likely consider'ble many'll gather there to-morrow after meeting. John didn't calc'late to cut up till Monday." "I guess likely I 'll stop in to-morrow," said the other man; "I like to see a han'some hog. Chester White, you said? Consider them best, don't ye?" But this question never was answered, for the greater part of the circus company in gorgeous trappings came parading in.

When you're in sickness or trouble or sorrer, friendship counts for consider'ble. How are the young folks Caroline and Stephen pretty smart, hey?" "Smart? Why, they are intelligent, naturally. "No, no. I mean are they pretty well?" "Very well, indeed, considering the shock of their recent bereavement." "Yes, yes. Of course. And they've moved, too. Movin's an awful job.

Peleg Small, who runs the place, he knows me, so he let me have a room and I turned in for a nap. I slept about three hours. When I woke up I started out to hunt the automobile and Billings. Both of 'em looked consider'ble better than they had when I see 'em last.

His name was Elkanah Chase, and his dad was old man 'Rastus Chase, who made consider'ble in cranberries and one thing or 'nother. The old man brought Elkanah up to be what he called a gentleman. Ho! ho! Hi hum! I ain't sure what 'Rastus's idea of a gentleman was, but if he cal'lated to have his son a tramp in go-to-meetin' clothes, he got his wish.

"I've thought over this consider'ble," Teeters lowered his voice, "and I figger that the secret of handlin' dudes is to keep 'em busy. I've been around 'em a whole lot, off an' on, over on the Yellastone, and I've noticed that the best way to get anythin' done is to tell 'em not to touch it and then go off and leave 'em.

"And a damp evenin'. Yes, I'll excuse and sympathize with you, too. I'll see you to your room, and I'll hope you'll have consider'ble more sleep than I'm likely to get. Abbie!... Abbie!... Fetch Mr. Graves's lamp, won't you, please?" It was after two the next morning before Captain Elisha rose from his chair by the fire and entered his bed chamber.

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