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The occasion was furnished by a sad little experience. "Menez-moi" dit la belle, "A la rive fidèle l'on aime toujours." ... "Cette rive ma chère On ne la connait guère Au pays des amours.".... Trooper Herbert Hawker had no appreciation for Theophile Gautier or perhaps none for being awakened from his warm slumbers.

Tout le monde le connait!" " This Monsieur Franklin commenced life as a printer; but living to a great age, and rising to high employments, he became a philosopher in morals, as his studies had made him one in physics. Now, America is full of printers, and most of them fancy themselves Franklins, until time and failures teach them discretion." "Mais the world has not seen but un seul Franklin!"

En attendant, j'ai hate de vous remercier de tout ce que vous me dites sur ma situation actuelle et sur l'interet que vous y portez. Je vous remercie egalement de ce que vous avez ecrit sur ce sujet a la fin du dernier numero de la Revue d'Edimbourg. On sent en lisant ce morceau combien celui qui l'a ecrit aime et connait bien la France. Il a ete fort remarque chez nous.

She handled her brushes with a certain ease and freedom which came, not from long and close acquaintance with them, but from a natural aptitude. Robert followed her work with close attention, giving forth little ejaculatory expressions of appreciation in French, which he addressed to Madame Ratignolle. "Mais ce n'est pas mal! Elle s'y connait, elle a de la force, oui."

But if you are going back to Paris I relinquish the Bois and offer myself as your companion." "And am I to be left alone to achieve a conquest, in which, if I succeed, I shall change into hate and envy the affection of my two best friends? Be it so. " Un veritable amant ne connait point d'amis." "I do not comprehend your meaning," said the Marquis, with a compressed lip and a slight frown.

Now, I tell you that with regard to the finny tribe, the more I charm them, the more enthusiastically they will flock to be caught. We shall have a miraculous draught in a few minutes, if you are but patient." And then he began again: "Mimi Pinson est une blonde, Une blonde que l'on connaît. Elle n'a qu'une robe au monde, Landerirette! Et qu'un bonnet."

Ne croyez pas que je vous ecrive avec d'autre pensee que de faire part de mes vues a un etranger qui connait, comprend et aime la France. On November 18th Parliament was dissolved by proclamation and the elections were held from the 23rd to December 18th.

"You know not what silk-paper is!" angrily returned Mademoiselle Benoite. "Quelle ignorance!" she apostrophised, not caring whether she was understood or not. "Ellé ne connait pas ce que c'est, papier-de-soie! I must have it, and a great deal of it, do you hear? It is as common as anything silk-paper." "Things common in France mayn't be common with us," retorted Mrs. Tynn. "What is it for?"

On connait Dieu facilement pourvu qu'on ne se contraigne pas a le definir The soul cannot move, wake, or open the eyes without perceiving God. We perceive God through the soul as we feel air on the body. Dare I say it? We can know God easily so long as we do not feel it necessary to define Him."

Sipiagin pronounced all these proverbs in a peculiarly powerful, gruff voice d'une voix rustique. Similar sayings let loose at the proper time and place in St. Petersburg would cause influential high-society ladies to exclaim, "Comme il connait bien les moeurs de notre people!" and great statesmen would add, "Les moeurs et les besoins!"