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Even after they've gone their sep'rate ways, ez they most likely will in time, it'll be a pleasure to 'em to look back to the time when they was little sweethearts. I know I had a number, off an' on, when I was a youngster, an' they're every one hung up in my mind, of co'se in little gilt frames, each one to herself.

Of co'se it'll be charged. That's a mighty purty coral broach, that grape-bunch one, but she's so pink-complected, I don't know ez she'd become it. I like this fish-scale set, myself, but she might be prejerdyced ag'in' the idee of it. You say she admired that hand-merror, an' this pair o' side-combs an' she 'lowed she'd git 'em fur my Christmus gif' ef she dared?

"Dave had l'arn' how ter read de Bible. Dey wuz a free nigger boy in de settlement w'at wuz monst'us smart, en could write en cipher, en wuz alluz readin' books er papers. En Dave had hi'ed dis free boy fer ter l'arn 'im how ter read. Hit wuz 'g'in de law, but co'se none er de niggers didn' say nuffin ter de w'ite folks 'bout it.

He's 'lowable to come to me an' say, 'Huccome you wearin' dat shirt? Dey ain't but one James Bartrum writ down in de book, an' he ain't no colored pusson. 'Co'se I could explain, but I's got 'splainin' 'nough to do when I git to heaben widout dat." Amanda paused with her hand on the doorknob. "Marse Jim'll beat you to heaben; that is, ef he don't beat you to the bad place first.

He was sort of takin' count o' the critters that done got kilt by the railroad kyahs." "That so?" said Sarah Ann, somewhat mollified. "I reckon so," said Jim Bowles. "I 'lowed I'd ast Cunnel Blount 'bout that sometime. 0' co'se it don't bring Muley back, but then " "No, hit don't," said Sarah Ann, resuming her original position.

Atter de sun goes down dis day you don't fool no mo' folks gwine 'long dis road. "Co'se, Brer Bull-frog dunner w'at Brer B'ar drivin' at, but he know sump'n hatter be done, en dat mighty soon, kaze Brer B'ar 'gun to snap his jaws tergedder en foam at de mouf, en Brer Bull-frog holler out: "'Oh, pray, Brer B'ar!

"Oh, daddy kin stick to mammy, an' her to he! but Robelia got neither faith nor gumption, an' let me never see de salvation o' de Lawd ef I cayn't stick by dat by by my po' Robelia!" "But suppose, my boy, we should be mistaken for runaways and tracked and run down." "Yass'm, o' co'se. Yass'm." "Can you fight for your sister?" "Yass, my La' yass'm, I kin an' I will.

"Weh-ul," dragged out Nan, with a long face, "of co'se now it's lak dis: ef Cissie goin' to stay in dat ja-ul, she's goin' to need some mo' clo'es 'cep'n whut she's got on, specially lak she is." Tump stared down the swing of the crescent. "'Fo' Gawd, dis sho don' seem lak hit's right to me," he said. Nan let herself out at the rickety gate.

And, anyhow, she sat down on the tail of Splash, so it was like a cushion, only, of course, he could not wag it until Flossie got up. "Oh, chilluns! how glad I is t' see yo' all!" cried Dinah, trying to hug all four of them at once. "And here's Laddie," said Flossie. "Aren't you glad to see him?" "Co'se I is, chile! I lubs yo' all!" and she hugged Laddie, too.

The first any way lively interest he ever seemed to take in religious services was at the 'Piscopals, Easter Sunday. When he seen the lilies an' the candles he thess clapped his little hands, an' time the folks commenced answerin' back he was tickled all but to death, an' started answerin' hisself on'y, of co'se he 'd answer sort o' hit an' miss.