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He could only trust that the Habshiabadis were in a better condition to pursue but when he and Gerrard met he learned that it was not so. On receiving Charteris's message, Gerrard had come on with his artillery and an escort, leaving the rest of his force to hold a detachment sent against him by Chand Singh. "Talk about the rules of military science, indeed!

Readers of the classics will perceive that Mr Charteris's memory played him false here. To put on the Rajah's robe over his clothes, and don the turban and slippers, was the work of a moment for Gerrard, and he was ready before Partab Singh had even raised himself from his cushions.

Charteris's brief summing-up was masterly, so incisive, so searching, so constantly punctuated with popular proverbs and familiar references to the domestic affairs of the litigants, that it drew applause from both sides. Then he pronounced judgment, and the winning side rent the air with their shouts, while the losing party threw dust on their heads and lamented that they had ever been born.

Gerrard obeyed not without an uneasy feeling of exposing himself to unseen foes and jumped violently when his foot came in contact with some portion of the body of Charteris's late foe. But no attempt was made to seize him, and he stood upright, filling the passage as far as possible, while Charteris opened the lantern the merest slit, and turned it on the man's face. "He's safe.

The Rani joined them with every man she could bring as soon as they were ready to cross the Ghara, but left the command of her contingent to Rukn-ud-din, maintaining rigid seclusion on her elephant with one or two faithful attendants. Thus far, then, Charteris's bold scheme was justified.

Suddenly a raucous bellow of laughter greeted his ears from a spot in front of him, hidden from his sight by a bend in the road. 'Somebody slightly tight, thought Charteris, rapidly diagnosing the case. 'By Jove, if he comes rotting about with me I'll kill him. Having to do anything in a desperate hurry always made Charteris's temper slightly villainous.

What's come over you?" "Oh, forebodings presentiments, that's all." "You always were a superstitious sort of chap." Charteris's passion had faded. "Had this sort of thing before?" "Oh yes, often." "And the presentiments always came true?" "No-o, not always." "I should think not!" shouted Charteris, with a mighty burst of laughter.

"Not a bit of it!" said Gerrard, struggling up, only to be pressed down again by Charteris's grip upon his shoulders. "My dear Hal, you do. There's no other course open to you. Sher Singh has the big battalions, and though I admire your design of capturing Agpur with no weapons but cool cheek and shaky promises, I have a mean objection to adding my bones to the heap that would be the result.

For years after, the Kestrel swept the Channel pretty clear of smugglers and enemies, and continued so to do long after Hilary had joined Captain Charteris's ship, taking with him the principal members of his crew, Billy Waters rapidly becoming gunner of the great man-of-war, and Tom Tully remaining Tom Tully still, able seaman and owner of the biggest pigtail amongst five hundred men.

In a few moments he would see Honour, look into her frank eyes, hold her cool hand, begin the siege of her heart in which his faithful love freed from the disturbing influence of Charteris's presence must surely succeed in breaking down the rampart of maiden coldness within which she had entrenched herself. Yes, he was glad of Charteris's absence; thankful for it.