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Updated: August 11, 2024

By Catamount Silver Mine..................... $5,000 By the picnics............................... 3,000 By the lecture............................... 600 By profit and loss on capital in Pinkerton's business...................... 1,350 $9,950 to which must be added What remained of my grandfather's donation..................................... 8,500 $18,450 It appears, on the other hand, that

But it's only one of the ole woman's conniption fits, and you know she's got nineteen lives. People of the catamount sort always has. You'd better gin a thought to yourself now. I got you into this scrape, and I mean to see you out, as the dog said to the 'possum in its hole. Git up onto this four-legged quadruped and go as fur as I go on the road to peace and safety.

She meant to shatter that false face of his utterly, to blast him as with lightning . . . but the lock snapped harmlessly, for San Benavides had, indeed, borne himself gallantly in the fray. He struck at her now in a whirl of fury. She winced, but with catamount activity drew back her arm and hit him on the temple with the heavy weapon.

"My father fought Simon Halpen for our farm. I'll fight him, too, if he comes here and tries to take it, now father is dead." "Mayhap this day's work will settle it for all time, Nuck," said the ranger, hopefully. "But do you shin up that sapling yonder, and bend it down. We wanter hang this carcass where no varmit not even a catamount can git it."

The animal "routed" with extreme terror, and, plunging forward, soon headed the band. This was exactly what I wanted; and on we went over the prairie, the bull running at top speed, believing, no doubt, that he had a panther or a catamount between his shoulders.

Actually he had believed the man was raging over snowy hillsides somewhere about, armed with his axe and uttering those catamount cries. Tenney was not at work. He was standing perfectly still, looking up the road. "Hullo!" called Raven, turning into the yard, and the man jerked back a step and then stopped and awaited him. It was not a step actually. His feet did not leave the ground.

Bein' made game of by a brute beastis, War su'thin' I could in no ways allow. I jes' spoke up, for my dander hed riz, "Cat take in the slack o' yer jaw!" He bowed his back Nance sighted him gran', Then the blamed old gal jes' flashed in the pan! A-kee! he! he! An' a-ho! ho! he! With a outraged catamount rebukin' of me!

There came another pound on the door, and a boy's voice cried out desperately. "It's me, let me in." "Who is me?" inquired Great-great-grandmother Letitia, but she lowered her musket, and Letitia did the same, for it was quite evident that this was no Indian and no catamount.

I could hardly believe my own eyes when I seed sich a gatherin', an' I thort I hed got aboard o' Noah's Ark. Thur wur listen, strengers fust my ole mar an' meself, an' I wished both o' us anywhur else, I reckin then thur wur the painter, yur old acquaintance then thur wur four deer, a buck an' three does. Then kim a catamount; an' arter him a black bar, a'most as big as a buffalo.

"Henry," he said, "you're shorely the wild catamount o' the mountains." "Why?" "Well, I'm somethin' o' a scout an' trailer, ez you know, an' that ain't no boastin'. I've been hangin' 'roun' the Injun camp, an' they're terrible stirred up. An evil sperrit has been doin' 'em a power o' harm an' I know that evil sperrit is you.

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