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"That he are, Coyote 'Pash, the very niggurs that bobtailed this child's ears. I kin swar to thur ugly picters anywhur I get my peepers upon 'em. Wouwough ole woofy! got 'ee at last, has he! Yur a beauty, an' no mistake."

"I reckon that, too," remarked one; "'taint like they made much out of that spekalashun." "Yer see, I war cleaned out, an' left with jest a pair o' leggins, better than two hunderd miles from anywhur. The company's post war the nearest, so I jest took down the river in that direcshun. I never seed varmint so shy.

"'Tain't like they made much out o' that speckelashun. Well about the buzzard?" "'Ee see, I wur cleaned out, an' left with jest a pair o' leggins, better than two hunder miles from anywhur. Bent's wur the nearest; an' I tuk up the river in that direkshun. "I never seed varmint o' all kinds as shy.

They both stood in the doorway, fascinated and awe-stricken. "Hear it pound! This is the worst I've seen anywhur. You're licked, Gentle Annie." "Yes," said Wallie with a white face. "This finishes me." "You'll have to kiss your wheat good-bye. It'll be beat into the ground too hard ever to straighten."

"I mind one winter when I 'bached' I tamed and halter-broke two chipmunks so I could lead 'em anywhur. You wouldn't believe what company they was for me." Wallie agreed that it was an idea, but he was privately of the opinion that there would be a limit to the pleasure which the company of chipmunks, however accomplished, could afford him.

One could almost see the fine, illusory spell of the far Latin land upon him, the spiritual bond, the pull of temperament that made the hill boy at one with Italy, blest of poetry. "I d'n know huccome I want to go so bad," he went on with a deep breath, "wouldn' turn araoun' th'ee times on my heels to go anywhur else, but I shoo do want to go to Italy." "Were your people Italians, Piney?" "Nope.

I could hardly believe my own eyes when I seed sich a gatherin', an' I thort I hed got aboard o' Noah's Ark. Thur wur listen, strengers fust my ole mar an' meself, an' I wished both o' us anywhur else, I reckin then thur wur the painter, yur old acquaintance then thur wur four deer, a buck an' three does. Then kim a catamount; an' arter him a black bar, a'most as big as a buffalo.