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Queen Victory never looked the aqual of that little hathen varmit!" It was agreed that Sky-High should be made the Santa Claus of the Christmas party. He promised to appear in his dragon robe, though he said it was never worn in public excepting on vice-royal occasions. "Sky-High, did you ever see a vice-royal occasion?" asked Lucy, wondering what the double word meant.

It's dangerous, and I am sure the story of the gold is only a notion. Your father was out of his mind when he died, and the gold he told about was just one of his dreams. I worked with him that day, and I saw no special signs of gold." "Yes, but that varmit, Williams, has seed signs," muttered Ben. "He went in an' brought out samples; he knows, an' you only think you do."

"He denies it, of course, but I'm sure it's the one thing he's really afraid of." The information had impressed Teeters. "You go back and keep the varmit alive until I git there," he had advised her. "I got a black speck in my brain, and every time it hits the top of my head I get an idea I think it's goin' to strike directly." The present visit was evidence that it had done so.

I've always said they was gold there, but Tad never would go into the mine again after the accident. That varmit, Williams, believes same as I do, or he wouldn't be a diggin' that hole on t' other side o' the dyke. If he er any o' the rest o' them fellers bothers ye any at the cabin, jist let me know; I'll take ker o' them fer ye. Good-night." He went inside and closed the door. Mr.

"I jist want t' ask ye if that tarnal varmit, Williams, has been botherin' yew fellers any sence he started work on that new claim o' hisn. If they ever was a sneakin' whelp, he's it. He couldn't get possession o' Tad's tunnel; he darsent touch it, so he's gone an' started a tunnel on the other side o' that dyke.

"My father fought Simon Halpen for our farm. I'll fight him, too, if he comes here and tries to take it, now father is dead." "Mayhap this day's work will settle it for all time, Nuck," said the ranger, hopefully. "But do you shin up that sapling yonder, and bend it down. We wanter hang this carcass where no varmit not even a catamount can git it."