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His hands are a nice shape but so are Mr. Carruthers's; they both look very much like gentlemen. Before we had finished, a note was brought in to me. It was from Lady Katherine Montgomerie. She was too sorry, she said, to hear of my lonely position, and she was writing to ask if I would not come over and spend a fortnight with them at Tryland Court.

There was a knock at the door, and Mullins opened it to admit the adjutant's orderly, who came stiffly to attention. "Major Carruthers's compliments, sir," he said to O'Moy, "and his Excellency the Secretary of the Council of Regency wishes to see you very urgently." There was a pause. O'Moy shrugged and spread his hands.

Carruthers's Christmas parties ever since ages and ages, and I remember I hated their tartan sashes, and they generally had colds in their heads, and one year they gave every one mumps, so they were not asked the next. The altar-cloth one, Jean, is my age, the other three are older.

I have a big arm-chair and books, and this, my journal, and all is cosey only I feel so miserable. I won't cry and be a silly coward. Why, of course it is amusing to be free. And I am not grieving over Mrs. Carruthers's death only perhaps I am lonely, and I wish I were at the theatre. No, I don't I Oh, the thing I do wish is that that no, I won't write it even. Good-night, journal!

"To-morrow I shall be busy packing," I said, gravely, "and I do not think I want to show you the gardens; there are some corners I rather loved; I believe it will hurt a little to say good-bye." Just then Mr. Barton came into the room, fussy and ill at ease. Mr. Carruthers's face hardened again, and I rose to say good-night.

He won a hard fight or two at Eton, but nothing like this. I call it splendid." "The boy might have been killed," the major said gravely; while the younger officers joined in Carruthers's exclamation at Tom's pluck. "It is shameful that it was allowed. I suppose the quarrel began in their quarters. Sergeant Howden is in charge of the room, and ought to have stopped it at once.

It was not well worded, and I had never cared much for Lady Katherine, but it was fairly kind, and fitted in perfectly with my plans. She had probably heard of Mr. Carruthers's arrival, and was scandalized at my being alone in the house with him. Both men had their eyes fixed on my face when I looked up, as I finished reading the note.

Carruthers's days I learned that one is wiser when one keeps one's own affairs to one's self, so I fenced a little, and laughed, and we went out to drive finally, without her being any the wiser. Going into the park, we came upon a troop of the 3d Life Guards, who had been escorting the king to open something, and there rode Lord Robert in his beautiful clothes and a floating plume.

If you could have seen the silly old thing, like a wizened monkey, with dyed hair and an eye-glass it was too comic! I only told you because you said the sentence 'begin with you, and I wanted to know if it was the same thing " Mr. Carruthers's eyes had such a strange expression puzzle and amusement, and something else. He came over close to me.

Montgomerie can open, and one has to wait until every one is seated at breakfast before he produces the key and deals them all out. Mr. Carruthers's was the only one for me, and it had "Branches" on the envelope, which attracted Mr.