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To get a suitable husband is what she brought me up for, she said, and for the last years had arranged that I should marry her detested heir, Christopher Carruthers, as I should have the money and he the place. He is a diplomat, and lives in Paris, and Russia, and amusing places like that, so he does not often come to England. I have never seen him.

Even if she couldn't love me it was a great deal to me just to see her dainty form about the house, and to hear the sound of her voice." "Well," said I, "you call that love, Mr. Carruthers, but I should call it selfishness." "Maybe the two things go together. Anyhow, I couldn't let her go. Besides, with this crowd about, it was well that she should have someone near to look after her.

"No," I whispered, brokenly; "but I cannot listen to you. I am going back to Claridge's now, and I am going to marry Mr. Carruthers." He dropped my hand as if it stung him. "Good God! Then it is true," was all he said. In fear I glanced at him, his face looked gray in the quickly gathering mist. "Oh, Robert!" I said, in anguish, unable to help myself. "It isn't because I want to.

If your ladyship would but second my efforts, all would be well; we could get him through in safety." But Lady Carruthers had risen from her seat and stood with her proud figure drawn to its utmost height. "I will do anything you propose, save tell a lie. If my son can be rescued by no other means, he must bear his punishment." "Then my journey is in vain," said Mr. Forster.

He saw what his mistaken notions of chivalry had done for him how completely they had misled him how near they had brought him to ruin and disgrace. The meeting between mother and son was not the most pleasant in the world. Lady Carruthers, stately, sensitive, and proud, could not forgive the dark disgrace under which her son had lain. He saw how deeply she felt it.

Miss Carruthers, of the refined comedy team did you ever see her cross both feet back of her neck? gave me to a friend of hers who had made an unfortunate marriage with a man in a store. Consequently I was placed in the window of a furnished room, rent in advance, water two flights up, gas extra after ten o'clock at night. Two of my leaves withered off here.

I did not know you were in the regiment, Carruthers," the boys said warmly, pleased to find a face they had known before; and then breaking off: "I beg your pardon Mr. Carruthers." "There are no misters here as far as I am concerned, Scudamore. There were no misters at Eton. This is a change, isn't it? Better than grinding away at Greek by a long way. Well, I congratulate you on your fight.

Tremayne elbowed his way through the gorgeous crowd, exchanging greetings here and there as he went, and so reached the ballroom during a pause in the dancing. He looked round for Lady O'Moy, but he could see her nowhere, and would never have found her had not Carruthers pointed out a knot of officers and assured him that the lady was in the heart of it and in imminent peril of being suffocated.

Carruthers whispering passionate little words at intervals, even though I paid no attention to them; but altogether I, too, felt a kind of madness. Suddenly Lord Robert turned round, and for five seconds looked at me, his lovely, expressive blue eyes swimming with wrath and reproach and oh, how it hurt me! contempt.

You have quarrelled with the very man you must marry!" "What does Lord Robert know about me?" I said. That made me angry. "Nothing; he only said Mr. Carruthers admired you at Branches." "Oh!" "He is too attractive Christopher! He is one of the 'married women's pets, as Ada Fairfax says, and has never spoken to a girl before.