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As he does so that hull bunch of about a dozen moves in under the rope, and some more that was going out seen it, and stopped and come back. "Perfessor," says the man with the patch over his eye to Doctor Kirby, "you say this man Ackerman is dead?" "Yes," says the doctor, eying him over, "he's dead." "How did he die?" asts the feller. "He died hard, I understand," says the doctor, careless-like.

The Judge, he was a fierce-looking man with specs on his nose, and a red beard. When I first come in he didn't see me owing to my being too quick for him and dodging behind the Master. But when the Master drags me round and I pulls at the sawdust to keep back, the Judge looks at us careless-like, and then stops and glares through his specs, and I knew it was all up with me.

Schools find that some of their alumnæ handle the truth mighty careless-like. While she is still a student a girl's service to her school lies largely in her daily work, the mental muscle she puts into all that she does in the classroom and studies out of it.

While this was going on Starlight had collared the bundle of notes from the doctor, and chucked it over quite careless-like to Moran. 'There it is for you, says he. 'You can divide it between you. Dick and I stand out this time; and you can't say you've done badly. Moran didn't say anything, but he and Wall got off their horses and sat down on their heels native fashion.

"If I was you, Betty, I'd follow 'em, careless-like, an' jist find out. It do really seem like a dooty for to find out. I'd go along of you only my wold man 'ull be a-hollerin' out for his tea." A muffled voice was indeed heard at that very moment proceeding from the bedroom, accompanied by an imperative knocking on the wall. "There he be," said Mrs. Haskell, not without a certain pride.

"I want to save your life," he ses, in a solemn voice. "You was within a inch of death last night, watchman." "Oh!" I ses, careless-like. "'Ow do you know!" "The ghost o' Sam Bullet told me," ses Joe. "Arter it 'ad chased you up the wharf screaming for 'elp, it came round and told me all about it." "It seems fond of you," I ses. "I wonder why?"

I've run it careless-like, and I know pretty near what there is in it. So I said to Kate: "'I'll see Bob and his wife, and the little nipper " "Goodness!" ejaculated Nan, under her breath. Uncle Henry's eyes twinkled and the many wrinkles about them screwed up into hard knots. "Beg pardon!" he exclaimed, for his ears were very sharp. "This young lady, I should have said.

Not on yer whiskers, he didn't. He jist shoved them scads what hed been given him careless-like down inter his coat pocket, an' faced Mister Manager. 'Not a dirty penny, Albrecht, he said, sorter soft-like; 'I 'm a-goin' to take whut yer owe me out of yer right now. An', by gory, gents, he sure did.

We boys of the th Arkansas thought any Johnny Reb could whip five Yanks, and it made us kind of careless-like, I reckon.

Then, careless-like, I began to peek at Rojas. They call Rojas the 'dandy rebel, an' he shore looked the part. It made me sick to see him in all that lace an' glitter, knowin' him to be the cutthroat robber he is. It's no oncommon sight to see excited Greasers. They're all crazy. But this bandit was shore some agitated. He kept his men in a tight bunch round a table.