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Updated: August 23, 2024

'Here is one on the wash bench, she said, 'or, will be when I have emptied the tub; and she was about to take up the latter, when Billy sprang to her assistance and emptied it himself, while Tom sat looking on, chaffing with anger and disgust. After a moment Billy stuttered out: 'Ann Eliza sent me here, and wants you to c-c-come and see her rooms.

"Lots of fellows would have thought the same as you did, Toby. I might myself, if I'd slipped down that way in the dark. Here, grab hold with me, Steve, and we'll help Toby home." "Anyhow," admitted Toby, as they put their arms about him, "I'm g-g-glad you did c-c-come. R-r-reckon I'd f-f-fainted if I just had to let g-g-go." "Rats! I don't believe it," scoffed the unbelieving Steve.

"Then it must be Max and Owen coming back to camp from the river," Bandy-legs asserted. "Just as like as not," Steve admitted. "But what if the savage beast drops down on the shoulders of our chums?" said the other in tones that were full of horror. "C-c-come on, b-b-boys!" panted Toby. "Where to?" demanded Steve. "I'm comfortable just as I stand. What's eating you now, Toby Jucklin?"

With quite commendable bravery Ingred flung her boots at it, which missiles were instantly followed by Nora's hairbrush, Fil's dispatch case, and Verity's pillow. It screamed in a most unburglar-like voice, and apparently with genuine fright. "If you t-t-t-try to c-c-come nearer, I'll sh-sh-shoot you dead!" quavered Ingred, wishing she had at least some semblance of a pistol to bluff with.

I Say, I'm goin' to h-h-hide in the s-s-secret chamb er. Don't you t-t-tell anybody. You fetch my s-s-s-supper up after dark. An' some w-w-water. Fetch enough to l-l-last forever! I don't know as I s-s-shall ever ever dare to c-c-come down." The Mansion where the Sturtevants had lived during many generations was a house even older than The Maples.

"Captain ordered him out on the line," said the first speaker, "and he refused. 'T-t-tain't no use, says he. "'Why not? says the captain. "'C-c-cause, says he, 'if some d-d-dirty Mexican g-g-greaser should c-c-come along, he'd run me through the g-g-gizzard before I could ask him for the c-c-countersign." More tipsy laughter followed.

"Yes, they are," replied Max; "and how is it with you, Toby?" and there seemed to be something like confidence in the way he turned to the last member of the Ranger Boys' Club, for he had not been secretly watching Toby for nothing. "I found only a r-r-rotten little p-p-pebble," replied Toby. "Let me see it, then?" asked Max. "Oh! c-c-come now, Max, you're j-just trying to string me.

He said he c-c-could g-g-go and c-c-come b-b-back on a horse quicker than any litter c-c-could reach the G-G-Grove. I repeated that Almo would certainly p-p-pay no attention to him, b-b-but might listen to me. So I b-b-borrowed Nemestronia's litter. Shall I g-g-go? Shall I start at once?" "No!" Brinnaria cut her off. "Let me think. Sixteen miles?

"S-s-says he'll go plumb ter Denver 'fore he 'll g-g-give up, an' if he d-don't f-find any sich he 'll c-c-come back an' p-p-perforate F-F-Farnham." "Bedad!" a tinge of unrestrained delight apparent in the sudden roar, "an' was he hot?" "H-he sure was. He m-m-m-meant business all r-right, an' hed f-f-forty rounds b-b-buckled on him.

Trembling with fatigue and deep-hidden emotion, Leah at length stood at the door of Dr. Heartwell's house, awaiting the answer of the porter. The door opened. "M-m-miss L-l-lizzie s-s-says c-c-come right u-up stairs, M-m-iss M-m-ordecai," stuttered out the polished black Hannibal who attended the door, known throughout the large circle of Dr.

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