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"J-j-just like it is in f-f-fishing," declared Toby. "The big one in the w-w-water b-b-beats the one you've l-l-landed. I used to think the w-w-water just m-m-magnified 'em." "No, it's the hope we have. Possession dulls the interest. You boys know that the apples next door always taste better than those you have in your own orchard."

I Say, I'm goin' to h-h-hide in the s-s-secret chamb er. Don't you t-t-tell anybody. You fetch my s-s-s-supper up after dark. An' some w-w-water. Fetch enough to l-l-last forever! I don't know as I s-s-shall ever ever dare to c-c-come down." The Mansion where the Sturtevants had lived during many generations was a house even older than The Maples.

"It'll do you good." "He's certainly trainin' him some," said Stover. "Larry, I've got a cramp!" "It did harden him," acknowledged Willie. "What's wrong with you, anyhow?" demanded Glass. "It's not me, it's the w-w-water!" Evidently Speed made a frantic lunge here and escaped, for the flow of water ceased. "It froze d-d-during the night. Oh-h! I'm cold!" "Cold, eh?

And to think how many times we've skated for twenty miles up and down in winter; yet look there now, and you'd almost believe it was the big Mississippi flowing past." "And mebbe you noticed," observed Toby, warmly, "how f-f-funny the b-b-bridge looks with the w-w-water so near the s-s-span. Let me tell you, if ever she does g-g-get up so's to wash the roadway, g-g-good-bye to b-b-bridge.