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"Folks hae thocht ill o' me, sir; and they treat me according to their ill thochts: and I wish Davie was hame, for I'm broken-hearted wi' the wrang that is done me; morning, noon and night," she said warmly. "Keep your temper and hold your tongue, Maggie. I suffer no woman to rail in my presence. Do well, and you will be well spoken of, and doubtless also, well treated."

"'No, she answered, 'for I am only going to buy a tooth-brush and a new sponge, as one ought to have new ones when one marries. "However, there never was a more successful marriage. They adored each other, and lived most happily together, and when she died he was broken-hearted indeed. He never recovered from the loss."

I wondered how they dared laugh, and be so jolly. In a few minutes Corny must be wakened. On a post, near these boys, a lounger sat fishing with a long pole, actually fishing away as if there were no sorrows and deaths, or shipwrecked or broken-hearted people in the world.

That year had turned him from a clean-shaven cheerful boy into a morose bearded man who looked forty, for it had been marked by his disappearance from Chaudiere and his return at the end of it, to find his mother dead and his father dying broken-hearted.

In a few years she pined away, and died broken-hearted, entered Charon's boat with her first love, and sailed over the River of Death together, to join their friends on the Elysian Fields of Paradise, and left her parents and the man of their choice digging in the mud and dust for gold. But that lady was not Nelly Gordon.

Who that has once heard can forget the thrilling power of "La Marseillaise" in Schumann's setting of Heinrich Heine's poem of "The Two Grenadiers"? The two French soldiers, weary and broken-hearted after the Russian campaign, approach the German frontier. The veterans are moved to tears as they think of their humiliated Emperor.

I was taken to Hopedale, where I remained ten years, at the end of which time Perry was sent from Europe to take me to my father, who had taken to his home a daughter born of an earlier marriage, whose mother, unable to understand the caprices of my father, had returned, almost broken-hearted, to her father's house, and died during his voluntary exile in Greenland.

And all the while I sot there seein' them contendin' armies contend I wuz thinkin' of poor Oom Paul and his brave fight for liberty, and at last losin' all and dyin' broken-hearted in a strange land. But onbeknown to myself these words come to me: "The mills of the gods grind slowly But they grind exceedingly small."

My uncle is an old man, very old, very infirm, very good, very prejudiced, and broken-hearted because his own son, who died, married against his will." "You would not liken my Kate to such as that woman was?" "Your Kate! She is my Kate as much as yours. Such a thought as that would be an injury to me as deep as to you.

She did not see that, while she believed evil things of God, and none the less that she called them good, oneness was impossible between her and any being in God's creation. The poor mother thought herself broken-hearted, and lay down too sick to know that she was trembling from head to foot.