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Updated: August 22, 2024

'The deuce take me, friend Broadbrim, said Nanty Ewart, looking to the Quaker, 'if I can make out what this old scarecrow means. If I thought it was fitting that Master Fairford should see him, why perhaps it is a matter that could be managed. Do you know anything about the old fellow? you seemed to take some charge of him just now.

For all we put on such mighty independent airs we do but follow like a flock of sheep. There, child, run and don't stand gaping! And mind that you don't attempt to run off with friend Broadbrim." She was glad to be clasped in the strong arms and have the hearty kiss on her forehead. "It is like a different place without thee," he exclaimed.

But on his rapid way he had found time to fling his hazel stick into a corner, his rough broadbrim upon the table, and these few emphatic words at his nephew: "Axel, follow me!" I had scarcely had time to move when the Professor was again shouting after me: "What! not come yet?" And I rushed into my redoubtable master's study.

Afterward one of them approached with a half-insolent air. "Is trade fair to-day, Friend Broadbrim? The winter seems quite broken up. And round about country places they are plowing, no doubt. If thou hast made a good bargain thou mightst stand treat. We have drained the King's men pretty dry."

It was just the place and time for my Adamic air-bath and flesh-brushing from head to foot. So hanging clothes on a rail near by, keeping old broadbrim straw on head and easy shoes on feet, havn't I had a good time the last two hours! As I walk'd slowly over the grass, the sun shone out enough to show the shadow moving with me.

He took the eager card, glanced, not saw, laid down unglanced, looked, asked, creaked, asked: Is he?... O, there! Brisk in a galliard he was off, out. In the daylit corridor he talked with voluble pains of zeal, in duty bound, most fair, most kind, most honest broadbrim. This gentleman? Freeman's Journal? Kilkenny People? To be sure. Good day, sir. Kilkenny... We have certainly...

Arrived at the village, we encountered one little procession after another of broadbrim straws and Shaker bonnets turning out of the several houses as we drove past. They stepped along quickly, and seemed to take no notice of us. "Reckon we're the only visitors to-day," whispered Hiram as he stopped at the horseblock in front of the meeting-house.

"'The spirit doth move me, friend Broadbrim, quoth she, 'To take all this filthy temptation from thee; For Mammon deceiveth, and beauty is fleeting: Accept from thy maai-d'n a right loving greeting, For much doth she profit by this quaker's meeting. Heigho! yea thee and nay thee.

Thou shalt remain with me only so long as thou wilt, and shalt be free to leave at thy pleasure." "That's fair," said Haxall. "I'll go with you, sir. Goodbye, Bill," he exclaimed, turning to his companion, and extending his hand. But Bill, thrusting both his hands into his pockets, refused the hand, and answered contemptuously "If you've turned sniveller, go and snivel with Broadbrim.

To daily business he wore a cheap, common broadbrim, but sometimes, for several days, on freak or unknown method, he wore this steeple hat, and strangers in the place generally got an opportunity to see it.

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