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"You're quite mistaken, Daddy, really," interposed his daughter. "She and Mr. Blake were wrecked in Africa and lived on roast leopards. We'll have to feed them on mountain lions and bobcats." "If you mean that, Miss Chuckie," put in Gowan, "I can get a bobcat in time for dinner tomorrow." The girl led the general outburst of laughter over this serious proposal. "Oh! oh! Kid!

Be sure and not draw down a bunch of hair under each loop. Tie the knots neatly on under side. Rug skins are best dried with no preservative whatever. In drying skins, stretch them symmetrically and dry in the shade. This method may be applied to specimens from the size of a red fox or a bobcat up to a timber wolf. Remove the skin and prepare it in same way as that of a small mammal for mounting.

"You can see how moving pictures are made," suggested Alice. "Can I, Miss? Then I'll come," and shouldering his gun he set off with them. "Are you going to leave the bobcat there?" asked Ruth. "Yes, Miss. Its skin ain't really no good this time of year, and I don't want to bother with it. The buzzards'll make short work of it. Leave it lie."

I daresn't make a move toward that lock." "Drop the keys behind you I'll get 'em," Wilfred murmured. "Step a little forward. Say something to 'em." "Ain't got nothing to say," growled Mizzoo, glaring at the mob. "These boys are in the right of it, that's how I feel cuss that obstinate old bobcat! it's his own fault if they string him up." "Here they come!" Wilfred exclaimed.

They resumed their forward progress, with Perk keeping a watchful eye out for other lurking perils how were they to know but that an angry bobcat, bent on disputing this invasion of his tangled realm, might make a sudden spring from some limb of a live oak and land upon their backs to commence using his keen claws, tearing and stripping and snarling like a devil, such as these beasts always were reckoned in such sections of the country as he, Perk, had hunted.

No, thank you Well, since you are pressing, Perhaps I don't care if I do: you may give me the same, Jim no sugar." Bret Harte. Contests of every sort were the order of the day in '49. Any ferocious encounter which would promulgate betting was countenanced, and even encouraged. There were dog fights, bull fights, bobcat or mountain lynx fights, and fights between game chickens.

Each one toted his share of the burden. But long before the cabin was reached Steve began to feel sorry that he had determined to display the wildcat to the others in order to prove his story, and also let Trapper Jim see whether the victim of his double shot was the same despised and hated bobcat that had given him so very much trouble in the preceding year.

Max seemed to know just how to go about it, and presently the balance of the deer swung there in space, six feet or more from the ground, and as many below the strong limb over which the rope had been thrown. "Think it'll be safe, do you?" asked Steve, puffing from the exertion of pulling such a weight upward. "From every kind of animal but a bobcat.

Glancing mischievously at his sleeping companions, he softly stole to where he had hung the body of the bobcat the night before, and hid it in the lean-to in back of the pile of cut firewood. Phil awoke a moment after, and coming out, looked for the animal to get a closer look at it in the daytime. He inquired in surprise where the carcass had gone.

"It is now hardly a six month since he saved a trapper from a bobcat and killed the animal with a knife. It must have been my prayers which saved him from the teeth and the claws." Good Father Anthony rose. "You have described a young David. I am eager to see him. Let us go." Father Victor nodded, and the two went out together.