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Updated: August 5, 2024

Never had he looked stouter, more prepossessing, or blander than on this particular evening when Leonard was ushered into his presence. He was standing before the fire in his drawing-room holding a huge and ancient silver loving-cup in both hands, and in such a position as to give the observer the idea that he had just drained its entire contents.

Now the girl was the fairest and most graceful of her time, more elegant than the gazelle however tender, than the gentlest zephyr blander and brighter than the moon at her full; for amorous fray right suitable; confounding in graceful sway the waving bough and outdoing in swimming gait the pacing roe; in fine she was fairer and sweeter by far than all her sisters.

They stopped to speak to her and she enquired with sweet propriety as to the "continued improvement" of their sister. I strolled on and she presently rejoined me; after which she had a peremptory note. "Come away from this come down into the garden." We descended to that blander scene, strolled through it and paused on the border of the lake.

"Well," growing much blander, "we are going to send you some wagons to move; you must get ready." "With pleasure, if you have selected a house for me. This is too large; it does not suit me." "No, I didn't find a house for you." "You surely don't expect me to run about in the dust and shelling to look for it, and Mr. L. is too busy." "Well, madam, then we must share the house.

Her countenance was blander than usual, as she greeted her; there was even a shade of tenderness in her manner, as she noticed the white, tear-swollen face, and the quiver in the voice which Margaret tried to make so steady. 'Allow me to introduce my aunt, Mrs. Shaw. I am going away from Milton to-morrow; I do not know if you are aware of it; but I wanted to see you once again, Mrs.

These qualities, in which their countrymen are deficient, and the blander manners which accompany them, they are apt to find well developed in European men, whatever other virtues or faults may be theirs; and when to this fact is added the spice of novelty, the strong liking that American girls manifest for foreigners, and which has been the cause of putting so many American youths in anything but a benedictory frame of mind, is easily accounted for, and the marriages which so frequently take place between our girls and European men may be explained, even on other grounds than the common exchange of money on one side and title on the other.

One evening his mood became blander, and he dropped his crystals from the sky in large, damp flakes, which clung tenaciously to the branches and twigs; then during the night his breath became chilled and froze the snowy cylinders, and when morning broke the woods were a miracle of loveliness, every leaf and twig bearing a ridge of gleaming pearls, while the sylvan floor was pure white.

"Well," growing much blander, "we are going to send you some wagons to move; you must get ready." "With pleasure, if you have selected a house for me. This is too large; it does not suit me." "No, I didn't find a house for you." "You surely don't expect me to run about in the dust and shelling to look for it, and Mr. L. is too busy." "Well, madam, then we must share the house.

"Heriot!" she exclaimed, and there was a note in her voice that came very near to damping the junior partner's enthusiasm at finding the head of his firm restored to him. "Yes, Madge," said Mr. Walkingshaw, his beatific smile still blander, "I have indeed been spared." He drew another deep whiff from his cigar, and added gently "For maybe a few more years of quiet usefulness."

Come on, Siward, there's a decent chap!" So he seated himself for a sacrifice to the blind goddess balanced upon her winged wheel; and the cards ran high so high that stacks dwindled or toppled within the half-hour, and Mortimer grew redder and redder, and Major Belwether blander and blander, and Alderdene's face wore a continual nervous snicker, showing every white hound's tooth, and the ice in the tall glasses clinked ceaselessly.

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