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"Bravo!" said Hardy and patted him on the back; Mr. Swann referred to the base of his left lung, and he apologized. "I'll have to fix it up with Blaikie," said the invalid, lying down again. "Murchison got two of his best patients last week, so that it ought to be easy. And besides, he is fond of innocent amusement." "I'm awfully obliged to you," said Hardy.

His companion was slight, fair-haired, and looked incredibly young. Once or twice he glanced over his shoulder, and smiled encouragingly at his senior. The pair emerged through the archway into the main trench, and straightened their backs with obvious relief. The younger officer he was a lieutenant noticed Captain Blaikie, saluted him gravely, and turned to follow his companion.

"What bird? The grouse?" "Oh, dry up, Wagger!" interposed Blaikie. "He means, Petitpois, that the Government, knowing that the electorate would begin to grow impatient if the War did not immediately take a favourable turn " Achille smiled. "I see now," he said. "Proceed, Ouagstaffe, my old!"

In one corner sit four stout French civilians, playing a mysterious card-game. At the very next table we find ourselves among friends. Here are Major Kemp, also Captain Blaikie. They are accompanied by Ayling, Bobby Little, and Mr. Waddell. The battalion came out of trenches yesterday, and for the first time found itself in urban billets.

"Bravo!" said Hardy and patted him on the back; Mr. Swann referred to the base of his left lung, and he apologized. "I'll have to fix it up with Blaikie," said the invalid, lying down again. "Murchison got two of his best patients last week, so that it ought to be easy. And besides, he is fond of innocent amusement." "I'm awfully obliged to you," said Hardy.

"Heigho! I suppose it's about time we detailed patrols and working parties for to-night. What a lovely sky! A truly peaceful atmosphere what? It gives one a sort of Sunday-evening feeling, somehow." "May I suggest an explanation?" said Wagstaffe. "By all means." "It is Sunday evening!" Captain Blaikie whistled gently, and said "By Jove, so it is." Then, after a pause: "This time last Sunday "

The Army Service Corps drive about in motors, pinch our rations, and draw princely incomes. Staff Officers are compensated for their comparative security by extra cash, and first chop at the war medals. Now why?" "I dare say they would sooner be here, in the trenches, with us," was Bobby's characteristic reply. Blaikie lit his pipe it was almost broad daylight now and considered.

Things are growing serious. Five minutes later Bobby, having despatched his wounded to the dressing-station, proceeds with all haste to Captain Blaikie's dug-out. "How many, Bobby?" "Six wounded. Two of them won't last as far as the rear, I'm afraid, sir." Captain Blaikie looks grave. "Better ring up the Gunners, I think. Where are the shells coming from?" "That wood on our left front, I think."

Kybird, who felt that he was expected to say something. "Dr. Blaikie was the other witness," continued Mr. Smith, disregarding the interruption; "and Mr. Swann made us both promise to keep it a dead secret till 'e's gone, but out o' friendship to you I thought I'd step round and let you know." The emphasis on the words was unmistakable; Mrs.

Presently he rides away; and Captain Blaikie, instead of halting and dismissing us in the street as usual, leads us down an alley into the backyard which serves as our apology for a parade-ground. We form close column of platoons, stand at ease, and wait resignedly. Then Captain Blaikie's voice falls upon our ears. "A Company, I have an announcement to make to you. His Majesty the King "