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Updated: September 27, 2024

The usual vanguard, the usual quicksilver bunch of humanity, massing, separating, flowing this way and that, and in the midst of them a fair-haired, timid-looking young girl, walking quietly with down-cast eyes, as if unused to being in big New York alone at eight o'clock at night. Rex stood in front of her with bared head. "I beg your pardon," he repeated his formula; "are you looking for Mr.

This fair-haired descendant of a Viking bold had the usual preliminary struggle, for the Established Order is always resentful toward pressing youth. He worked incessantly: sketched, read, studied, modeled, and to help out his finances copied pictures for prosperous dealers who made it their business thus to employ 'prentice talent.

"But here is Karl Lindal, son of Pastor Lindal, of Vandstrup Præstegaard, Denmark." The tall, fair-haired lad, with his honest blue eyes, favourably impressed Mrs. Hardy, who could see beyond outward appearance and awkwardness of manner. "Welcome to Hardy Place, Mr. Karl Lindal," she said, taking the lad's hand kindly. "You can have no better introduction here than as my own boy's friend."

"Which was your college?" she enquired with neurotic suddenness of transition. "Trinity." "Did you know my brother? He must have been up about your time. He was at the House." "I knew him by sight. Tall, fair-haired man; he was on the Bullingdon. I never met him, though. I didn't know many men at the House." Barbara thought for a moment.

The sensuous, fair-haired Duchess of Aerschot, the dark-eyed Cornelia Annoni of Milan, the devout Dolores Gonzaga, with her large, calm, enthusiastic eyes, and again and again, crowding all the others into the background, the timid Johanna van der Gheynst, who under her delicate frame concealed a volcano of ardent passion. She had given him a daughter whose head was now adorned by a crown.

Chucked out of everywhere in London at half-past twelve. 'Time, gentlemen, please! And out go the lights. Jove, I wonder what they'd think of this at the Continental! Let's let's have another bottle." The fair-haired girl Flossie to her friends, Mademoiselle Mermillon until you had been introduced whispered in his ear. He shook his head vaguely. She had her arm round his neck.

And yet poor little Zoe, and the fair-haired Lysippa, and the black-haired daughter of Demetrius, and even I, poor wretch, should be handsomer, far handsomer than she, if we could dress ourselves with fine clothes and jewels for which kings would sell their kingdoms; if we could play Aphrodite as she does, and ride off in a shell borne aloft on emerald-green glass to look as if it were floating on the waves; if dolphins set with pearls and turquoises served us for a footstool, and white ostrich-plumes floated over our heads, like the silvery clouds that float over Athens in the sky of a fine spring day.

Fair-haired and tall, not young but towards the middle-years, strong with the strength of one who lives out-of-doors in all weathers, browned with the wind and sun, blue-eyed, he called no man master, and was the owner of his own small acres. Like the Admiral, he gave himself up for two months of the year to the summer people.

But he was hardly prepared for what followed. The young gentleman who now came into the room he was a pretty boy, of the fair-haired English type, with a little yellow moustache and clear, gray eyes seemed almost incapable of speech, and his lips were quite pale. "In in what I have to say to you, Mr.

One of them was a heavy, gross, dark-skinned man, with the careless bearing of one who had been nursed in a circus. The other was a small, fair-haired youth of nineteen or twenty years, with limbs as straight and as shapely as the Narcissus, and with joints like the wiry-limbed fauns.

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