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"That you certainly ought not to do," said Antinous, beseechingly. "I must," replied Selene, gravely. "Then, at any rate, take the phial to use for a lotion when you return. Ten drops in such a cup as that, full of water." "I can try it when I come in." "Do so, and you will see how healing it is. You are not vexed with us any longer?" "No."

The ban of Church did not hold my dear girl back, nor did her father do aught but smile when she came laughing and weeping into my arms. "Robert, O Robert, Robert!" she cried, and at first that was all she could say. The good Seigneur put out his hand to me beseechingly. I took it, clasped it. "The city?" he asked. "Is ours," I answered. "And my son my son?"

They lingered wistfully, seeking vainly for words that might not hurt her; but Caterina looked at them beseechingly, with dim eyes her lips moving without sound. The Lady Beata understood. "I go now to pray the dear Christ for thee the Man of Sorrows," she said with inexpressible tenderness. "And later Carinissima I will come again, and thou wilt rest."

I want to know what dwellers in the shadowy realms of ghost-land are like." "Dear Sir Adrian, do urge her not to talk like that; it is positively wicked," pleads Dora Talbot, glancing at him beseechingly. "Miss Delmaine, you will drive Mrs. Talbot from my house if you persist in your evil courses," says Sir Adrian, laughing again. "Desist, I pray you!"

At the last words Xanthe's eyes filled with tears, and Phaon noticed it with astonishment. He gazed at her sadly and beseechingly, and then fixed his eyes on the ground. At last he began to suspect the cause of her anger, and asked, smiling: "You probably mean that I riot all night?" "Yes!" cried Xanthe; she withdrew her hand for the second time, and half turned away.

Patty elevated her chin a trifle and shrugged her shoulders. "Aren't you going to chapel?" Patty brought her gaze back from the window and looked up at Priscilla beseechingly. "It's such a lovely day," she pleaded, "and I'd so much rather spend the time out of doors; I'm sure it would be a lot better for my spiritual welfare." "It's not a question of spiritual welfare; it's a question of cuts.

Clarence was perforce mollified. "Don't go, Jinny," he said beseechingly. "I didn't mean to make you angry " "I can't see why you should always be dragging in this Mr. Brice," she said, almost tearfully. "Jinny, I have been made second lieutenant of Company A." "Oh, Max, I am so glad! I am so proud of you!" "I suppose that you have heard the result of the October elections, Jinny."

"About ah the down there, you know, at Palm Beach," he stammered, "at that accursed lawn-party " "Yes?" She smiled but her eyes harboured lightning. "It was so hot in Florida you know how infernally hot it was, don't you, Alida?" he asked beseechingly. "I scarcely dared leave the Beach Club." "Well?" "I I thought I'd just m-m-mention it. That's why I didn't call on you I was afraid of sunstroke "

Are we going to put on the title-page: 'Words by Mary Jane Arkwright' or will you unveil the mystery for us now?" "Have you guessed it?" he bantered. "No unless it's 'Methuselah John. We did think of that the other day." "Wrong again!" he laughed. "Then it'll have to be 'Mary Jane," retorted Billy, with calm naughtiness, refusing to meet Aunt Hannah's beseechingly reproving eyes.

Taste it!” continued Dorothea, and poked the spoon tightly against Philippina’s lips. “I insist, I insist,” she repeated, half beseechingly, half in the tone of a command, so that Philippina, who somehow or other could not find her veteran power of resistance, and in order to have peace, let the spoon be shoved into her mouth.