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"Oh oh oh!" screamed all the girls. "There, I told you so," exclaimed Alexia. "Second floor Room No. 3," said Buttons, then stood like an automaton to watch the tall young man scale the stair. "He did 'em beautifully," he confided afterward to another bell-boy. "Mr. King himself can't get over them stairs better." "Come in!" cried Jasper, in response to the rap.

Tessie rose, unrolled her scented handkerchief, and taking a bit of gum from a knot in the hem, placed it in her mouth. Then drawing on her gloves she offered me her hand, with a frank, "Good-night, Mr. Scott," and walked out. The next morning, Thomas, the bell-boy, brought me the Herald and a bit of news. The church next door had been sold.

And when the bell-boy who had shown the unwelcome guest to his room came back to his bench in the office, he interrogated him, with a grin that was not altogether facetious: "Any revolvers lyin' round up in No. 20, or any of those knobby blue bottles?" "Naw," said the bell-boy, disgustedly, "ner no dimes, neither."

"I'm glad of it. But don't let's talk of that. She's as far above me as the stars!" "And as far above me, too, for that matter!" answered Barclay. "Here's your supper. While you're eating, I'll take my turn at the talk." A bell-boy arranged the tray on the table, removed the covers, and in a moment the two men were again alone.

Gans asked. "I mean you gives me a good reference for this feller Marks Pasinsky," Abe shouted. "And even now I am on my way out for a policeman to make this here Pasinsky arrested." B. Gans whistled. He surrendered to a bell-boy the small valise he carried and clutched Abe's arm. "I wouldn't do that," he said. "Come inside the café and tell me all about it." Abe shook himself free.

It looked as if Drummond had fallen down the stairs, but Stormont smiled. He had done with the fellow, and if Watson could get him out of the hotel, it did not matter if he reached home or not. Ringing for the bell-boy, he gave orders about being called in the morning, as he meant to leave by an early west-bound train.

"Let's decamp." She wheeled the invalid carefully back to her room, where both women were still talking when a bell-boy knocked, bringing a message from the doctor. A woman had been hurt; he would be busy with her for an hour. "Who was it?" Julie asked him, but the boy, obviously frantic to return to the fascinations of the fire, didn't know.

I think they came back about three o'clock. I'll find out for you." He rang the bell, to which a colored boy responded. "Front," said the clerk, "see if young Mr. Delamere's upstairs. Look in 255 or 256, and let me know at once." The bell-boy returned in a moment. "Yas, suh," he reported, with a suppressed grin, "he's in 256, suh. De do' was open, an' I seed 'im from de hall, suh."

"Yes; they tried to address some of our girl friends, whom they didn't know and we objected to their insolence." "That was what made the rah-rah boys sore," went on the bell-boy. "I heard them talking about it before I left them. It seems, too, that the manager sent the head waiter to stop their nonsense in the dining room to-night.

There is no denying that in the estimation of a large number of the groups we are considering, the question of neat and orderly service, the capped and aproned maid, the liveried bell-boy and butler, express like the smoothly shaven lawn a certain social convention; and because it means expense, the house in working order means more than shelter: it sets forth pecuniary standing in the community.