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Updated: August 13, 2024

"I hope not, sir," replied Dave, fighting to stifle a grin, though it was a sheepish one. "Mister," stormed Midshipman Denton, "you are attempting to deceive us!" Dave gazed meekly but inquiringly at the last speaker. "You are trying to evade the fact that you are the real Darrin, the identical hero whom the 'Bazoo' so lovingly, so reverently describes. Deceit fills your system, mister!

This old bazoo, he says, has a hatful o' diamonds up there, but they ain't polished or nothin' an' he's there by hisself, an' is old an' simple, an' it's findin' money, he says, to go over an' take 'em away from him. He reckoned there must 'a' been a thousan' dollars' worth altogether. "Well, he puts the proposition to me," Haney continued circumstantially, "an' I falls for it.

Of course we'd ought to've skulked away like a couple of egg-sucking curs, but we didn't, and I'm mightily glad of it, too. For Ixtli what a name that is to go to bed with every night, though! for Ixtli is just about as white as they make 'em, nowadays; you hear me blow my bazoo?"

He wasn't spending much time thinking about famous Hawk Ericson, and I got to thinking how comfortable NY will manage to go on being when they no longer read in the morning paper whether I dined with the governor, or with Martin Dockerill at Bazoo Junction Depot Lunch Counter. They forget us quick. And already there's a new generation of aviators.

"Just awful, isn't it?" demanded Midshipman Dalzell. "Awful?" muttered Darrin uneasily. "Why that doesn't begin to describe it. If any upper class man should see that paper " "He won't see this copy," proclaimed Dan, beginning to tear the offending issue of the "Blade" into small bits. In the parlance of Annapolis the newspaper from a midshipman's home town is known as the "Bazoo."

When he comes shooting off his bazoo to a man that could swaller him whole without loosening his collar, it's impidence; that's what it is. "'Well, as a favour to me? I says. "'Well, if you put it in that way I don't want to be small about it. "So Arizona goes up to Jones and sticks out his hand. 'There's my hand, Jones, he says. 'I'm mighty sorry you told me to shut up my mouth, says he.

What about these damned Socialists, with their brass-lunged bazoo, howling about monopoly and capitalism and all the rest of it? Eh, what? Just one squeeze," here Flint closed his corded, veinous fingers, "just one tightening of the fist, and all over! We win, hands down!"

Zipp, boom, ah! Hip-zoo! Rah-zoo. Jimmy blow your bazoo! Ip-sidi-iki U. off I. campaign!" Hanover "Han, Han! Westminster-"Rah, rah, rah! Oh, yes, sir! Vive-la, Vive-la! Cornell, of Iowa-"Zip-siss-boom! Cor-cor-nell! C-C. tiger-la! Zipp- siss-hur-rah!" Amherst "Rah! rah! rah!" etc., and terminating with the name of their institution. Boston University "Boston, B-B-BOSTON! Varsity! Varsity! Varsity!

"Mister," continued Paulson, "you will be allowed to retain this marked copy of the 'Bazoo. You are warned to keep it out of sight, ordinarily, that none of the discipline officers may find it. But you will continue to refer to it several times daily, until you are sure that you have committed all of the marked paragraphs to heart, so that you can reel them off in song or in declamation.

He has bills in his trunk providing for a public building at Bungtown and a deep water harbor at Squashville and a light house on Jim Ned creek and the establishment of a federal court at Eden and a governmental survey of the bad lands around Dogtown, and the Bungtown Bazoo and the Squashville Cresset and the Eden Echoe and the Dogtown Democrat have all stated that he intended to make speeches on every one of them, but the general public does not seem to take much interest in these foreshadowed cataclysmal events.

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