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He was ridin' the lines an' steadyin' the bar'ls, busy as a dog at a badger hole, when the cat jumped out, an' that there bronk r'ared back and swung off short and hit fur the mesa; and Luck here a-hangin' and hollerin', an' me a-leggin' it to ketch up, and bar'ls teeterin' and Mind how you was bound you'd kill that cat uh mine?" he asked Luck, tears of laughter dimming his eyes.

Wal, I ain't neither, but I see a feller with it oncet, an' he jest went around barkin' like a camp dog chasin' after swill bar'ls, an' was scared to death o' water " "Some folks don't need hydryfoby fer that," put in Toby, with a grin. "Ther' ain't no call fer you buttin' in," flashed Sandy angrily. "Guess I'm talkin' o' things you ain't heerd tell of. You ain't out o' your cradle yet."

Solomon!" she called from the window. "I say Sol, is that ar man going to tote them bar'ls over to-night?" "He said he should try, if 'twas any ways prudent," replied a man's voice. "There's a man going over to-night, if he durs' to; he'll be in to supper, so you'd better sit down and wait. That's a sweet little fellow" added the woman, offering him a cake.

"An' yer eyesight 'll skate erlong easy on the top o' them bar'ls." "It's a miserable kind of business," said the young man, who was lying in bed and looking at his friend. "We Americans have a rather hard time of it, I say. Life is a fight from beginning to end.

I borrowed the loan o' his bay horse and put off for Phildelphy the very next day, and a mortal job it was; what with bar'ls and boxes pitched hither and yon, and people laughin' at y'r odd looks, don't talk o' Phildelphy manners to me, for I've had enough of 'em! and old Treadwell dead when I did find him, and the daughter married to Greenfield in the brass and tin-ware business, it's a mercy I ever found out anything."

The boys hev bin drowned out many times afore this and got clear off, on sluice boxes and timber, without squealing. Tom Flynn went down ten miles to Sayer's once on two bar'ls, and I never heard that HE was cryin' when they picked him up." A flush came to Hemmingway's cheek, but with it a gleam of intelligence.

He shuddered that he should have entertained the thought of suffering it. "You see, Mr. Charlton," said Gray, with eyes having that strange mysterious look that only belongs to the eyes of people who are at least on the borders of insanity, "you see this 'ere pistol's got five bar'ls, all loadened. I tuck out the ole loads las' night and filled her up weth powder what's shore to go off.

Some of the things would 'a' been better cooked a little more, or het up, but we was too fearful hungry to wait fur that, an' they was tiptop as they was. "The cap'n went out afterwards, an' towed in a couple of bar'ls of flour that was only part soaked through, an' he got some other plain prog that would do fur future use.

'On'y a few weeks ago they thried to desthroy me be dumpin' a load iv coal on me, he says; 'an' now, he says, 'they're goin' to smother me in feed, he says. 'They'll be rollin' bar'ls iv flour on me fr'm th' heights next, he says. 'I'd betther get out, he says.

The awful fact of them one thousand bar'ls of Willow Run perishin' before our very eyes, swallows up all else, an' minor details gets lost in the shuffle an' stays lost for all time. It's a turrible jolt to the general sensibilities, an' any gent who'll go back thar yet an' look hard in the faces of them people, can see traces of that c'lamity.