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"Ten thousand bar'ls!" Briskow echoed. "That's what he said. Of course, they can't tell a thing about it. Buddy's only guessing, but I haven't had a big well yet." Gray took a nervous turn about the room. "Ten thousand barrels! Lord! That would help. That would do the trick.

Apples is mighty skarse dis fall, an' I kin git two dollars a bar'l for 'em in town. Now, if I was ter sell three bar'ls of apples I'd hab dat dar six dollars, sartin shuh. Don' you see dat, Brudder 'Bijah?" "Dat's all clar 'nuf," said the minister, "but whar you gwine ter git three bar'ls o' apples?

He rips it from the rack an' shows at the window as his prey comes runnin' to the rescoo of his pard: "'Oh, you! Virg Sanders! yells Silver Phil. "The second gyard looks up; an' as he does, Silver Phil gives him both bar'ls. Forty-two buckshot; an' that gyard's so clost he stops 'em all!

His keenly set ears distinguished just then an even tramp among the abrupt sounds without, the feet of two or three men carrying weight. "He's here, Zur," said Dan, who held the feet, tenderly enough. "Aisy now, b'ys. It's not bar'ls ye're liftin'." They laid him down. "Fur up th' ridge he was: not many blue-coats furder an. That's true," in a loud, hearty tone.

But Black Feather, he'd come over to Dick Stocton's an' linger 'round the bar'ls of Valley Tan, an' take a chance on stealin' a snifter or two while Stocton's busy. "At last Stocton gets tired an' allows he'll lay for Black Feather.

'Now we must run for it, for the revenue men will be as savage as may be when they voinds as they be too late. 'Where be us to run? says oi. 'Keep close to me, oi knows the place, says he. "So we runs down and voinds as they had tumbled the bar'ls into t' boat again, and t' men war just pushing her off when there war a shout close to us.

"Widout dem mules an' niggahs an' bar'ls dah wouldn't be 'nough water in dis town to wet a chaw tobacky." A winding macadamized road leads up the river bank to the main street running parallel with it. There is a short cut by a rickety stairway, but, as some steep climbing has to be done before reaching the lower step, it is seldom used.

"That time I alloods to, when Colonel Sterett vouchsafes them recollections, we-all is in the r'ar wareroom of the New York Store where the whiskey bar'ls be, samplin' some Valley Tan that's jest been freighted in. As she's new goods, that Valley Tan, an' as our troo views touchin' its merits is important to the camp, we're testin' the beverage plenty free an' copious.

He gave a whoop that brought the two sailors leaning over the side. "Bullies!" "Ay, ay!" "Run for your lives I've just rimimbered there's two bar'ls of blastin' powther in the houldt." Then he bent to his oars, as no man ever bent before. Lestrange, sitting in the stern-sheets clasping Emmeline and Dick, saw nothing for a moment after hearing these words.

You don' mean ter tell me dat you's got 'nuf apple-trees in your little gyardin fur ter shake down three bar'ls o' apples." "Now look a-heah, Brudder 'Bijah," said Grandison, his eyes sparkling with righteous indignation, "dat's too much 'to 'spec' ob a man who's got ter work all day to s'port his wife an' chillun. I digs, an' I plows, an' I plants, an' I hoes.