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And I wanted to make friends among them, and see how they felt. "Lor' lumme its old 'Arry Lauder!" said one cockney. "God bless you, 'Arry many's the time I've sung with you in the 'alls. It's good to see you with us!" And so I was greeted everywhere. Man after man crowded around me to shake hands.

What else?" "And paper. I ask for that but for me to write my little romance of all this forgive it is for occupation in the long winter. You also must write of your experiences perhaps of your history of of You like it not? Why, Mr. 'Arry! It is to make work for the mind. The mind must work work or die. The hands well.

Then I dragged his corp into a ditch by the road, and galloped orf on m' oss as quick as I cud go back to Southberry. There I stayed all night, sayin' as I'd bin turned back by the storm from riding over to Beorminster. Nex' day I come back to m' hotel, and a week arter I paid m' rent to Sir 'Arry with the notes I'd stole.

"'If that's true, ses 'Arry, 'she's deceived both of us. Now, if I let you go will you go straight off and bring her 'ere to me? "'I will, ses Uncle Dick, jumping up. "''Arf a mo, ses 'Arry, holding up 'is stick very quick. 'One thing is, if you don't come back, I'll 'ave you another day. I can't make up my mind wot to do. I can't think I ain't tasted food for two days.

Artful 'Arry, he's called, and, for 'arf-a-quid, say, he'd frighten Uncle Dick 'arf to death. He's big and ugly, and picks up a living by selling meerschaum pipes he's found to small men wot don't want 'em. Wonderful gift o' the gab he's got. "We went acrost to the 'Albion' to talk it over.

'I suppose she said it, Richard explained, 'just because she didn't know what else to say, that's about the truth. But there certainly is one thing I'm a little anxious about, myself. I don't care for either Alice or 'Arry to know the details of this windfall. They won't come in for their share till they're of age, and it's just as well they should think it's only a moderate little sum.

They, being unfamiliar with the caution needed, and unappreciative of what it's like to have neighbours who "hate" you sixty yards away, generally bring trouble in their wake by one of the party shouting out in a deep bass or a shrill soprano, "'Ere, chuck us the 'ammer, 'Arry," or something like that, following the remark up with a series of vulcan-like blows on the top of an iron post.

'I am 'appy, she said to Liza one day a few weeks after her marriage. 'You dunno wot a good sort 'Arry is. 'E's just a darlin', an' there's no mistikin' it. I don't care wot other people sy, but wot I says is, there's nothin' like marriage. Never a cross word passes his lips, an' mother 'as all 'er meals with us an' 'e says all the better.

Out of the shaft they went and on up the hill to where the townspeople again were gathering about the opening of the Silver Queen. A few were going in. Fairchild and 'Arry joined them.

'Arry King, you are so weary put me down." "I can't, Amalia," again was all he said. So he held her, comforting his heart that he had this right, until he drew near the cabin, and there Amalia saw the pelt of the sheep hung upon the wall of the cabin, pitifully dangling, bloody and ragged. Strangely, at the sight quite harmless, yet gruesome, all her fortitude gave way.